Sarah Catch Up Part One

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Hey guys! As promised, I started writing again... I'm working on requests that I had gotten and they will be worked on today and tomorrow so be on the look out for those! Also, thanks for the support I got from you all on the previous update. I honestly didn't expect anything from you guys when I posted it except maybe some anger or something from my absence. However, your words were all so sweet and kind. I truly appreciate it. :) I promise to not take so much time off again.

XOXO - Desi

P.S: Enjoy!!

How You Meet:

You absolutely hated it, all the running and the hiding. And all for what? All because your mom just happens to be the Darkness? Sometimes you wished you weren't her child, that you were born human and lived a mundane life but sadly, that wasn't the case. At least your uncle and his friends were nice enough to let you stay with them when your mom tried to destroy the earth. You sighed and pulled your bag over your shoulder, walking down the street to meet up with Jesse and his friends. Of course, being... well you don't know what you were considering you don't know what your own mother is. Amara is called the darkness but you have no clue if she's an angel or just some kind of celestial being like your uncle. Anyways, you being some inhuman person/thing, you could automatically tell that Jesse and his friends were vampires and boy did you wish you could smite them.

'Gabe would be proud if I pranked them and then turned them to ash,' You thought, snickering to yourself as you finally reached them.

You rolled your (e/c) eyes when you saw Jesse bothering the same brunette that he keeps claiming is his girlfriend. You all know she is but it seemed that she didn't like that idea and you had to bite your lip to keep from smiting him right then and there when he tried to force her to kiss him. You pushed your hair out of your face, adjusting your silver headband, and yanked Jesse away from her.

"Come on, man. Just lay off," You spoke, giving him a look as your eyes seemed to get darker with every second he glared down at you.

Jesse showed barely any reaction to it and scoffed a few moments later, walking over to the others.

"Um thanks but I could've handled it," The girl said and you rolled your eyes, automatically getting annoyed with her even though this is the first time you've ever spoken to her.

"Yeah and I'm God," You retorted, hearing your Uncle scolding you in your mind for bringing him into this.

'Sorry Uncle, but I had to.' You thought, being snapped out of your thoughts when you realized she was staring at you strangely, "Uh I'm (Y/N)."

"I'm Sarah..." 

She Finds Out Your Fear:

Heights, the worst thing you hated was heights and Sarah isn't really helpful when it comes to that at most times.

"Let's go rock climbing!!!" Sarah said excitedly, tugging on your arm and jumping up and down like a child.

You shook your head rapidly, your heart racing at the mere thought of going up so high. You wanted to tell her yes so badly but you couldn't, you hadn't told her about your fear and you weren't planning on it. Sarah would asked you over and over again for the next few weeks and you were slowly, but surely, getting very annoyed. One day, when she asked once more, you shook your head but spoke out at the same time.

"No!!!" You said, pulling your arm towards you and out of her grasp, shaking the tiniest bit.

"Why?" Sarah asked softly but you just shook your head, not answering which made her continue speaking, "Then let's go!"

"I'm afraid of heights." You admitted, making Sarah stop in her tracks and look back at you.

"What?" She said, not hearing you properly despite her enhanced hearing.

"I'm afraid of heights, Ok? Now just leave me." You shouted at her, not wanting to hear her laugh at you but instead she hugged you gently.

Sarah's arms wrapped around your waist and she smiled kindly at you, "Why didn't you just say so?" and you groaned as soon as she said that.

You Hear Her Talk About You:

Your POV (Bet you weren't expecting that, ey?)

You stood next to Ethan and Benny (btw you are invisible because you can be), watching as Sarah stood in front of them at their locker, looking around the hallway for the others- which is what Ethan and Benny assumed she was doing but she told them she was actually looking for you, to make sure you aren't around when she was about to admit something to the boys. Sarah turned back to them ignoring their confused looks before she growled and pulled them into an empty supply closet. You followed closely behind, slipping into the closet before the door closed all the way.

"What the hell?" Benny asked, stumbling and falling against a wall while Ethan and Sarah laughed, you covering your mouth so they wouldn't hear.

"OK so I know you've both realized that I haven't necessarily been myself," Sarah started and you tilted your head curiously as Ethan and Benny shared a look, nodding. "I think- I think it has something to do with (Y/N). It feels like I'm happier when I'm with her and I get this weird feeling and at first I thought I was dying but realized that was stupid. Is she- is she witch? Am I under some kind of spell?"

You smiled brightly at hearing that, immediately realizing it as Sarah forming feelings for you and you groaned silently when you heard two certain hunters praying for you to help them. You fought against it for a moment, watching your three friends before sighing and appearing in front of your cousin's two favorite humans.

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