He Finds Out Your Fear Part Two For Ethan

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You could hear people speaking but their voices sounded as if they were speaking through water. After a few moments, the voices became clearer and you realized that it was Rory, Benny, and...Ethan.

"Do you think she's going to wake up?" Benny questioned.

Though you guys had only known each other for a week or so, Benny thought of you as the little sister he never had and just the thought that you might not wake up, scared him to no end.

"No," Rory said, "She won't wake up at all. The doctor said she'll pass away in her sleep on Sunday. There's no way for her to make it unless she gets bit by either me, Sarah, or Erica."

"Well you're the only 'V' here Rory," Ethan said, his voice sounded hoarse, as if he'd been crying, "You have to do it."

You couldn't hear anything after that but you knew Rory had nodded and before you knew it, there was a sharp pain in your wrist, you arm feeling as if it's on fire. You could tell that you weren't reacting on the outside but in your mind, you were screaming, begging for the pain to stop and...it did. You could literally FEEL your heart get stronger before stopping completely and you sat up inhumanely fast, feeling your new fangs pierce your lip as you gasped for breath.

"Benny, go get her some clothes from her bag in the car! Rory, go stall the Doctors! They're probably on their way now! I'll get (Y/N) out!" Ethan shouted.

The other boys ran off while Ethan picked you up bridal style and climbed out the window (Does this sound like something Edward Cullen would do or is just me? ...It's just me?? Well, okay than). He took off towards the car Benny was seated in as I whimpered and buried my head in his neck. Ethan climbed into the backseat, not seating me down once and Benny sped out of the parking lot when Rory had gotten in. Benny drove as fast as possible and we arrived at my Aunts' house in five minutes. Benny and Rory got out to explain to your Aunt what happened and to tell her you were now a vampire. Your Aunt knew about the supernatural so you knew she wouldn't be shocked. Looking up at Ethan, who was still holding you in his lap, you said,

"My worst fear came to life..."

"What?" Ethan questioned, looking down at you quizzically.

"My worst fear. Dying but then becoming a creature, no longer being human, not being able to grow old and have a long life and die when the time is right. I'll never have a normal life ever again."

Ethan wiped your tears away and hugged you close as you started crying again,

"As long as you're with us, (Y/N), you will always be normal."

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