Best Friend and Enemy

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Benny: Best friend- Rory, you guys have a lot in common and when Benny is busy with Ethan, you guys are hanging out at your house. Enemy- Della, she misses Benny fawning over her and when he stopped, she realized she actually had feelings for him.

Ethan: Best friend- Sarah, you actually thought she would hate you for dating Ethan because you thought she had feelings for him but she said that he was like a little brother to her and you guys ended up bonding over time. Enemy- No enemies, everyone loves you guys together and they think you're the greatest person ever, no one hates either of you.

Rory: Best friend-Jane, even though she's younger than you, she loves being around your funny and bright personality, she loves doing makeovers and going shopping with you and you guys ended up forming a sisterly love for each other and bonded greatly though she couldn't take the place that your little sister Lucy holds

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