What Your Guys' First Argument Is About

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BENNY: His magic. Benny had spent so much time practicing his magic and you were happy for him but he spent so much time with it that he actually forgot who you are and that you guys were dating until you had left his house crying and shouting "We're over!"

ETHAN: Sarah. Sarah this, Sarah that. It was pissing you off. You thought that when you and Ethan had gotten together, he would stop but you were wrong and now you were feeling as if Ethan was using you. You had brought it up to him with no intentions of arguing about it but Ethan had gotten upset and called you a "needy worthless bitch" and realized what he had done when Sarah (yes, I mean Sarah. No one else.) had slapped him and ran out to comfort you.

RORY: His need for blood. Yes, you understand your lovable boyfriend is a vampire but sometimes, you just can't handle it. When you guys had your first argument, it was because you refused to give him some of your blood because you had already given some up to Erica and you couldn't handle more blood loss. You were hoping Rory would understand but instead he started going off about how you seemed to care about everyone else and not him. You had grown sick of his rant and left the house, Rory not noticing until he heard a car horn and your scream.

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