One-shot #4

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Okay so this one-shot is for @TheDreamerOfHope. I hope you like it~

Sometimes I loved my twin brother Ethan, I really did, but other times I hated him and wanted to kill him for his stupidity. Ethan and Benny had managed to drag Rory and I with them to some vampire party. I kept telling them something was going to go wrong but since I'm not a Seer like my twin and didn't have a vision, they just brushed it off. Oh how terrible that turned out to be because now, Rory and I stood in front of a newly turned and bloodthirsty Erica.

"Come on, Erica," I spoke, putting my hands up while moving so I was in front of Rory, "You don't have to do this. You can be like Sarah, you can live off of animals instead of humans."

Erica grinned at me except it wasn't her usual one. It was filled with hunger and malice,

"Oh Sam. You're even dumber than your twin and his friends."

Erica lunged at me, knocking me back into Rory who fell to the ground, before sinking her teeth into my neck. A bloodcurdling scream erupted from my throat before a choked sob escaped and I fell back into someone's arms. My eyes met with Ethan's who was looking down at me with fear before he lifted me up and tried, and surprisingly succeeded, to carry me to the car. Black spots danced in my vision and I could hear my brother and Benny fighting whoever came after us before the car jolted forward and Ethan and Sarah started shouting,


Someone moved into the backseat, lifting my head up and placing it onto their lap. Looking up, pain jolting through my neck and making me whimper, my blue eyes met with brown ones and I realized it was Benny.

"Sam," Benny whispered, stroking my brown hair and looking at me in worry, "Don't worry, Sammy. You'll be alright."

"Be-Benny." was the only thing to come out of my mouth before everything faded to black.


It had been a month since I had been turned, along with Rory, and unlike him I had decided to stay a fledgling with Sarah. Speaking of which, no matter how close Rory and Sarah and I are, I have been avoiding those two for the past week. I've been avoiding my best friend because he can't seem to get it through his head that I don't want human blood. I've been avoiding Sarah because, well the girl knows how to find out secrets. Especially the secret about my four year crush on my brothers best friend. Yep, I've been crushing on Benny for so long that I've started thinking it wasn't just a silly crush. I am in love with Benny Weir. My brothers best friend. Who was sitting in the living room along with Ethan while I sat in the kitchen, waiting for Sarah to come out of the bathroom.

"Oh Sam~" I physically flinched at the voice and sent an exasperated look at my twin when he looked over at me when I flinched.

"Yeah Sarah?"

"Hmmmm... Oh! I remember! Watch this," Sarah smirked, sitting down in the empty chair beside me, and called over the others, "Hey Ethan and Benny, come here for a sec!"

"What's up?" The boys asked, both of them giving me a confused look when they saw Sarah's smirk.

"Well... Just thought you both should know that..."Sarah trailed off and I tensed, realizing what she was about to do, and slowly turned to look at her.

"Sarah. If you are truly my friend and care about me... Don't. Say. Anything."

"Sam, here, has a crush on our Spell Castor."

"SARAH!" I shrieked, standing up to tackle her but she was already gone, along with Ethan as well, "CRAP!"

"So," Benny said, grinning at me, "You like me, huh?"

"More like love," I muttered, my blue eyes going wide with shock when I realized Benny heard that.

Benny laughed, coming around the table, and wrapping his arms around my waist while mine went around his neck and he kissed the top of my head, "I love you, Sam Morgan. I have for a few years now."

"I love you too, Benny Weir. I've loved you for four years and I still do," I murmured, blushing and burying my head into the crook of his neck as we stood there in each others arms.

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