Text Messages Part 4

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Him- can i come over plz

Him- can bring doughnuts

You- Sorry, Benz. I'm busy with my project for journalism class. Next time❤️

Him- I can help

You- No need, but thank you babe.

Him- But I want 2 c u now

You- I'll call you when I'm finished okay? 💞

Him- Plzzzzzzz

Him- 💖

You- The sooner you stop pestering me the sooner I'll be done 😂

Him- k sry hurry so I can come over :)

Him- luv u

You- I love you more 


ETHAN: (for this one you had gotten turned into an electric Kitsune/fox for a day so the next day this happened)

Him- You looked foxy today

You- Oh my god....

Him- It totally SPARKED up the convo with the wrestling guys

You- Why haven't I blocked your number

Him- Maybe it's because you want to fox with me

You- What does that even mean

Him- I don't know that whole thing just went downhill

You- You can say that again

Him- That whole thing just went downhill

You- 😒😂

Him- You know you love my puns

You- You wish 😂💞



Him- Do you think Tate Langdon is cute?

You- That's a little random.

Him- Sarah said you had a crush on him and I would just like to remind you that he is a serial killer and has noodle hair 

You- What 😂😂 I don't like Tate. He's too unstable for his own good.

You- But I do like Evan Peters


Him- I hate him

You- Why?!

Him- He's sloppy and he'd totally date you if you asked him to

You- That may be true, but I wouldn't break up with you for him.

Him- Because you love me too much 😏

You- Stop with the smug looks

You- And yes.


GROUPCHAT (You are with none of the boys in this part):

RORY- Today I woke up and wanted to work out but there wasn't really any food in the house except for hot dogs. So I ate two hot dogs but then I ended up not working out so I just had two hot dogs for breakfast.

Rory- Felt like you guys should know ha

You- Rory you're a vampire

Ethan- You don't need to work out 

Rory- #1 reason why I ended up not working out

Benny- Have anymore hot dogs?

You- Of course.

Ethan- Always food.

Rory- Yep.

Benny- ....

Ethan- ....

You- ....We'll be at your humble abode in 10.

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