One-Shot #1

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Rory one-shot for CharleeCongreve, enjoy! Also, sorry if the people are OOC, I've never seen either shows so yeah. It also looks like this is getting published earlier than planned so yeah! here it is!


"I'm not sure about this, Charlee," her boyfriend, Rory, said as she pulled him up the porch stairs to her house.

"Oh come on, Rory!" Charlee muttered, turning her head to look at him, blue eyes meeting brown ones, "You were the one who wanted to meet them, remember?"

Rory rolled his before smiling awkwardly as Charlee opened the door to her house. Taking off her coat, she ung it on the rack before taking her brown and purple hair out of it's braid. Charlee walked down the hallway and towards the living room, hearing no noise from her family at all until Damon said,

"There's a vampire here, with Charlee."

Charlee felt Rory tense behind her, hearing what her family member said, and turned to leave. Growling, she grabbed Rory by his arm and dragged him to meet her family.

"Charlee!" Stefan shouted, hugging Charlee, "Who's this?"

"Oh, um.." Charlee looked at Rory as I stood next to Stefan, Damon, Dad (Klaus), Mom (Hayley), and Uncle Elijah, "Guys, this is my boyfriend, Rory. Rory, this is Stefan, Damon, my dad Klaus, my mom Hayley and my uncle Elijah. Rory, as you guys already know, is a vampire and well... I haven't told him what we are yet.."

"What do you mean?" Rory questioned, narrowing his eyes at her.

"I mean, Stefan and Damon are vampires. Dad is an original, a hybrid, part werewolf part vampire," Rory's eyes widened and Charlee chuckled, "Mom is a werewolf, Uncle Elijah is an Original Vampire and I am a hybrid too although I act more wolfish since I have more werewolf DNA than vampiric DNA. "

Rory stared at her family which caused them all to shift awkwardly. Rolling her eyes, Charlee grabbed Rory's arm, waved goodbye, and took him to her room. She pulled my hair over one shoulder, studying the purple tips as Rory paced around the bedroom, letting the information sink in before he pushed her into the wall. Gasping in shock, Charlee looked up at him, seeing his pupils completely dilated. She opened her mouth to ask what he was doing before she felt his lips on her own. Sure, they've kissed before but those were only quick pecks on the mouths, nothing like this. Getting over the shock, Charlee wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back. Rory moaned into Charlee's mouth as she tugged on the ends of his hair and he lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Rory moved backwards until he fell back onto Charlee's bed, not breaking the kiss as she moved to get more comfortable as she straddled his waist. Rory sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist as he flipped them over, grinding softly into her, eliciting a sort of mewl from the brunette under him. Rory pulled away from Charlee and started trailing slowly kisses down her neck and onto her collarbone, causing her to mewl again.

"Hey Charlee, what are you guys- OH MY GOD!"

Rory and Charlee sprang apart when they heard the voice at the door and they looked over, blushing and panting.

"St-Stefan!" Charlee shouted.

"Uh uh.." Stefan looked back and forth between Charlee and Rory before leaving, slamming her bedroom door behind him and shouting, "DON'T FORGET PROTECTION!"

"OH MY GOD!" Charlee shouted burying her head into her pillow as Rory cracked up at her reaction.

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" Charlee cried, trying to hide a smile before throwing a pillow at her boyfriend who chuckled and walked over to her bed and cuddled with Charlee until she fell asleep.


Yay! First one-shot done! Hoped you enjoyed it CharleeCongreve!!!!!

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