You Hear Him Talk About You

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BENNY: You walked quickly towards the library, hoping that the book you put in its section was still there. Walking through the doors, you waved shyly to the librarian, Mrs.Chandella, before walking over to the shelves. You reached for the book but froze when you heard someone say your name. Peeking through one of the shelves, you saw Benny and Ethan and quickly decided to eavesdrop but acted like you couldn't hear them.

"Okay, I get it Benny, you like (Y/N)!" Ethan exclaimed, exhausted and throwing his hands in the air, "But what makes her different from the other girl you crushed on?!"

You were frozen, completely in shock at the news that you only snapped out of it when Benny started talking. You walked around to the aisle they were in, blushing but managing to look casual. You and Ethan made eye contact and you watched as he tried to get Benny to stop talking.

"She's beautiful dude. With her (h/l) (h/c) hair that outshines the sun and eyes more beautiful than the stars and brighter than the moon. The way she scrunched her nose when she's concentrating on something. Man, I could go on and on about her!"

"Dude! Behind you!" Ethan whispered harshly after Benny stopped talking.

Benny turned around slowly and you watched as his brown eyes went wide when the landed on you,


Smiling and blushing to the point you looked like a tomato, you walked forwards and kissed Benny on the cheek,

"You're really sweet Benny. I like you too!"

ETHAN: "I do not get it guys!" You grumbled, walking to yours' and Rory's house with Benny and Erica, well Erica and Benny were walking, you were floating a bit off the ground but moved your feet to look as if you're walking, "What does Sarah have that I do not?! Never mind, I already know the answer. She is perfect in Ethans' eyes while I will always be the girl who needs to be looked down upon by him."

Erica and Benny looked at you when you started sniffling but you waved away their concerned glances and walked into your house but all three of your froze when you heard something smash. Erica and Benny went to move forward but you stopped them, walking ahead of them and leaning against the wall.

"MY COUSIN, ETHAN?!" You three heard Rory scream, "YOU'RE CRUSHING ON MY COUSIN?!"

"I can't help it, Rory!" Ethan screamed back, "She's perfect, she's amazing and talented and beautiful and DAMNIT I LOVE HER!"

You gasped silently and swore your unbeating heart actually fluttered, you saw Erica's eyes grow wide as she placed a hand over your heart.

'Your heart is beating!" Erica mouthed excitedly and you smiled, looking to Benny who understood what she was saying and grinned at you.

Smiling wider than ever, you ran from around the corner and hugged Ethan, wrapping your legs around his hips loosely and your arms around his neck before pulling back slightly and kissing his cheek. Wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you up, Ethan blushed deeply and stared at you with wide eyes. You leaned close to his ear and whispered gently,

"I love you too, Ethan."

RORY: It wasn't hard for you to know Rory was talking about you, considering you are 10 feet away from him but him and the boys didn't notice so you hid your head in your locker as you listened in on the conversation.

"Gosh, (Y/N) is so gorgeous, don't you guys agree? The way she smiles and how kind she is to everyone no matter what." Rory sighed, "She's just amazing!"

You blushed, peeking over at them through the small space in your locker door. You watched as Ethan and Benny pulled Rory down as he started floating and dragged him away. You grabbed your sketchbook out of your locker before closing it and leaning against it, smiling and looking down as your blush turned a darker shade of red. He actually thinks of me that way? Maybe he does like me back! Oh my god, I HAVE to tell Sarah and Erica! You though before skipping out of the hallway and to your friends.


Sorry Rory's was so short! I ran out of ideas! :P

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