How You Hug

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Benny: Like in the "How You Kiss" preference, Benny loves PDA a lot. So your hugs are usually him picking you up and spinning you around or you running to him and him catching you as you wrap your arms around his neck while your legs go around his waist as he holds you up.

Ethan: Since Ethan isn't really one for PDA, his hugs are short yet meaningful because he always hugs you no matter what. Your arms are usually going around his neck while his go around your waist.  you don't get mad that he doesn't hug you for longer because you know he loves you.

Rory: since Rory is inbetween with PDA, hugs are either (like Benny) your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist while he holds you up or your arms are around his waist while his loosely hang around your shoulders and his chin rest on the top of your head.

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