One-shot #5

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Alright! This is a Ethan one-shot for ilovepanandnewt! Hope you like it! Also, this has a slight trigger warning so for those of you who get triggered easily, be warned and also, for whoever goes through anything like this, you can always message me.

So, you've got Sarah. My boyfriend, Ethan, old crush. She's pretty, skinny, doesn't have to wear makeup to be pretty, doesn't need glasses whatsoever, beautiful long hair, bright brown eyes, oh and did I mention she's a vampire? Yeah, she's not human which is like my boyfriend who;s a seer.... and then there's me. Stefanie Robles. Short hair, chubby, tan, needs glasses, and completely and utterly human.

"Stef? Stefanie, you okay?" Ethan asked, waving his hand in front of my face and making me jump in my seat slightly.

"Yeah, yeah. Just perfect." I replied, smiling fakely as I practically lied to him through my teeth. I mean, it doesn't really bother me as much anymore since I've been doing it for weeks but I still get that small pang of guilt.

I scowled slightly, pushing up my glasses as I looked away when Ethan turned to Sarah and pretty much ignored my existence. I pushed my hair behind my ear and stood up and grabbed my bag, faking another smile as they looked at me before going back to talking. I walked out of his room and exiting his house, waving to Benny as I walked past his house and crossing the street to mine. I sighed when I saw my parents car gone, knowing that they most likely left for their business trip, and unlocked the front door.

I tossed my bag to the side, running up the stairs to the bathroom and slamming the door behind me, the thought to look it slipping my mind. I looked into the mirror and finally let the tears fall as I examined myself. 'She's prettier than me in so many ways,' I thought bitterly, a slight scowl on my face as my hands tightened on the edge of the sink, 'Why does he even bother with me? Am I-Am I just a second choice? Am I just the girl Ethan's using to get Sarah's attention?' A sob left me, racking my body harshly as I yanked up my sleeves to reveal my faded and somewhat new cuts and pulled open a drawer harshly and pulled out the one thing that I thought would make me happy. A razor.

I pulled down the cover to the toilet and sat down on it, putting the razor to my arm and sighing in slight relief and pain as I cut. I thought about everything these new cuts represented and was so into it that I didn't realize someone had opened the front door and was calling my name. I let out a small cry as the tears that fell landed on the opened cuts. I screamed lowly when the bathroom door flew open and I tightened my grip on the razor blade in my hand.

"E-Ethan!" I whimpered, trying to hide my cuts but it was too late, he saw them and was by my side in a second and throwing the razor far to the side and pulling me into his arms.

"Please, please don't do this again, Stef," He whispered, my eyes widening when I realized he was crying, "I-I can't lose you. I love you too much."

"I'm sorry, Ethan," I said quietly, breaking the hug to look at him and laughed sadly when he kissed me, "I-I love you too."

A/N: There you go! Sorry it took 

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