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Hey everyone... I just want to say I'm so sorry for not updating in so long and not getting to all your requests. 

I've been so busy lately with school and focusing on grades that I lost sight of my love for writing. You all have no idea how upset and angry with myself I am for this. I hope you all don't hate me for this sucky as hell apology. As soon as my friend asked how my stories are going, I freaked the hell out because I realized how long its been. I'm honestly crying while writing this because I feel like a horrible author/person for leaving you guys and this story for as long as I have.

I want you all to know that your support and love for this story has honestly made me so happy and has kept me going on writing. I promise that as soon as I am not as busy with school work and as soon as I am able to write out all of your requests without my wrist cramping up, I will work on them as hard as I can to make up for all the time I spent away.

I hope you all forgive me for this long break I took and please please feel free to be mad and rant at me all you want. I will try my hardest to continue writing this for all of you as soon as possible.

You guys are all so amazing and your support means so much to me.

I love you all :) Please do forgive me.

XOXO - Desi

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