Erica Catch-Up Part One

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How You Meet:

You sat on the edge of the roof of the school, annoyance clear in your expression as you thought about the three idiots who asked if you were a vampire. Rory Keaner, Benny Weir, and Ethan Morgan. No idea why their names are in your head but you've just started at Whitechapel and you already despise them. They sprayed you with holy water and held a cross to you for gods sake! Talk about crazy! You rolled your (e/c) eyes as you heard said boys start shouting at you to come down. You took one glance down and immediately did a double take when you saw the blonde girl next to them.

You knew who she was because of Jesse. You know what she was because of the dusk premiere and you absolutely hated her. She fed off your best friend, the only girl/boy who didn't come back like everyone else did. since then, you've hated her and her little friends and now that's including those three idiots now more than ever. Getting sick of their yelling, you jumped off the edge and landed in front of them. Your arms crossed over your chest, you raised an eyebrow S you watched them look you up and down. A certain vampire watching you more intensely than the rest. You scowled slightly at Erica, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to spill over as you remembered what happened.


You sat in the front row with your best friend, (b/f/n). He/She had wanted to see this for so long and who were you to say no to them? They were practically your twin! You and (b/f/n) shared a wary but excited look when the drama club walked onto the stage. Your eyes immediately went to the beautiful blonde girl who was speaking and you could vaguely hear your best friend snickering at your stares. Her eyes locked with yours and you looked away, blushing heavily, before looking up at the stage when she spoke again but this time, saying the seat numbers you and your best friend were sitting in.

You both walked up on stage, a red hue to your cheeks as you stood next to the blonde girl as the guy, who's name you know is Jesse, ran his hand along (b/f/n)'s cheek and saying a few things but you didn't listen. You were too busy staring at the girl next to you who noticed and smiled before telling you her name.

"I'm Erica."

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm-"

Just as you could've told her, a horrifying scream cut through you and you turned around quickly, just in time to see something glow in come out of your best friend and into the chest Jesse was holding. His hand left (b/f/n)'s neck and she fell to the ground, two puncture wounds on the side of his/her neck visible to you. You screamed loudly, covering your mouth as you backed away and looked at Erica only to scream again when you saw her with fangs as well. You remember running out of that theater as fast as possible and trying to forget what you saw, only to get a call hours later saying that, unlike everyone else, (b/f/n)'s is dead.

-Flashback end-

You could feel Erica's "guilty" stare on you as you finally zoned back in to what the boys were saying only to hear them mention vampires again. You rolled you eyes and turned starting to walk away from them.

"H-hey wait!" Benny shouted, stumbling as the four of them walked after you, "we need to know what you know about vampires! We know you were there at the theater."

"What I know," you spat out, your (h/l) (h/c) hair going over your shoulder as you turned to face them with the scariest look all four of them had ever seen, "Is that vampires are monsters. What I know is that they killed my best friend and what I know, is that I will kill the vampires who helped kill her/him."

She Finds Out Your Fear

Spiders. Holy shit were you afraid of those eight legged horrifying creatures and the fact that Benny fucking Weir knew this, isn't good. You see, it's been about eight months since you moved to Whitechapel and though you may still think those three boys are insane, you do believe them. And somehow, they ended up being your best friends as well as Sarah and Erica.... Well she tries to be your friend but you are determined to keep her out of your life.

"BENJAMIN WEIR, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" You shrieked, storming into his home and hearing him scramble off the couch and run upstairs and you looked to the side, seeing an amused grandmother, "Hi Grandma Weir!"

"Hello, (Y/N)." She greeted, giving out a slight chuckle as she watched you run upstairs, repeatedly yelling for her grandson.

You heard Benny say "oh crap" and heard multiple pairs of feet scramble around his bedroom, making you roll your (e/c) eyes as you realized that Erica, Ethan, and Sarah were with him. You gripped the knob (omg wtf I'm dying XD XD) and twisted before giving it a harsh kick, the people in the room shrieking as it broke. You looked at them through the hole, giving them a bitchface before reaching through the hole and unlocking it. You walked into the room, looking away from them to inspect the hole.

"I'll pay for-" You froze, feeling something- more like multiple somethings -crawling on your back and hearing Benny snicker, "Weir, I swear to god if that's what I think it was, I will personally see to it that you arrive in purgatory."

You felt it crawl off the fabric of your (f/f/c) and (s/f/c) colored shirt and onto your skin, making you pale considerably and your hands starting shaking. Almost immediately, you could hear the laughter from Benny stop as him and Ethan ran downstairs to get Grandma Weir, not knowing how to deal with your reaction from Benny's little joke. Sarah got up, speeding over and quickly picking the spider off of your back before speeding downstairs and throwing it outside as well as smacking the boys on the back of their heads.

"Fucking. Spiders. I. Swear." You hissed out lowly, taking in a deep breath before hearing some laughter.

You looked over to see Erica laughing, making your cheeks turn red as you scowled at her and shivered, feeling as if there were spiders still on your back.

"So... Spiders?" She snickered before gasping and ducking as you grinned and chucked a book at her.

"Shut up."

You Hear Her Talk About You

The weekend was over and it was Monday, meaning you were currently on your way to school. You sighed, parking your red and black harley motorcycle in the parking space the principle gave you. You took off your black helmet, your (h/c) hair falling down your back as you shook your head slightly to get used to the feeling of not wearing it. You got off your bike and stretched out your jean clad legs before heading into school. You made your way to the library seeing as you had a free period for your first class. You waved to Ethan and Benny as you walked back, heading over to the library doors.

A few of the football players whistled as you walked by, one of them even having the nerve to smack your ass. You turned around immediately, seething as you glared at them which made them gulp and back up. You turned on your heel, walking into the library and walking around. You made your way to the side farthest away from the few people in there and heading to the back. You reached for one of the books before freezing when you heard something.

"...she's beautiful," was all you heard before ducking down when Erica and Sarah walked in the aisle next to you, realizing it was Erica who was speaking, "I know she hates me but damn Sarah. She's incredible. With her smart ass attitude and badass behavior, her (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes."

Your eyes widened and you felt your heart speed up a bit before shaking your head and thinking, 'Nah. She isn't talking about me.' You shook your head before freezing as you heard what Erica said next.

"I think I'm in love with (Y/N)." She admitted before you saw her and Sarah exit the library and you bit your lip.

You covered your face with your hands as you slid down the book shelf, smiling widely as you let out a quiet and muffled squeal.

A/N: Hey guys!! I know I know, it's been so long! But I just wanted to say thank you to all of you!! We've almost reached 7k readers!! I love you guys so much and remember, if you have any one shot requests, any preferences ideas, or anything of the sort leave a comment or message me! Once again, I love you all!!! Bye guys!!!!! XD XD XD <3 <3 <3

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