One-shot #3

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Okay! So I know I haven't been on for so long and I sincerely apologize! Here is a Benny one-shot for @90sAlternativeLover. I hope you enjoy it and if you don't like it or want it written a different way, leave a comment or pm me!


Dakoda's violet eyes fluttered open when a loud crash was heard from downstairs. Slipping her hand under her pillow, she grasped the hilt of her silver knife before getting out of bed and quietly moving downstairs. Her eyes adjusted to the dark, her heart beat quickening as she saw not one but four figures in her living room.

"Wh-who's there?" Dakoda shouted, mentally cursing herself out when she heard the stutter, and flicked on the lights. A groan escaped her lips as she lowered the knife and ran her hands through her hair, "Dang it guys."

Not only was her best friend Rory and her crush Benny there, but also her brothers Sam and Dean who... are currently pointing guns at the younger boys' heads. Dakoda quickly moved down the stairs, grabbing the guns from her brothers and throwing them to the other side of the room before pointing upstairs with a kind, yet stern, look. Sam and Dean shared look, knowing how stubborn their sister can be, and hesitantly walked upstairs. Dakoda sighed before turning around and placing her hands on her hips, giving her two friends a suspicious yet caring look.

"Any reason as to why you two are in my house at," Dakoda paused and looked at the clock on the living room wall, "three in the morning? I mean, Sam and Dean I get why because they're my brothers but you two?"

"Well Benny said he wanted to see you even if you were asleep so-" Rory started.

"DUDE!" Benny hissed, looking quickly between the blonde haired girl and the vampire.

"Benny?" Dakoda murmured, gaining his attention, "Shut up."

Benny closed his mouth, shot a glare at Dakoda, and turned around before storming out. Dakoda flinched a bit at the slamming of the door, hurt slightly from the look he gave her and confused about why he acted like that.

"You like him!" Three voices shouted, making Dakoda scream and place a hand over her beating heart.

"DEAN AND SAMUEL WINCHESTER GO TO YOUR GUEST ROOMS NOW AND RORY YOU BETTER STAY IN THIS ROOM AND NOT TRY TO LEAVE!" Dakoda shrieked, making the three boys pale slightly before doing as they were told.

"Rory I swear to god if you tell him I will stake you myself," Dakoda threatened and Rory nodded quickly before grinning, "Oh no."

"Okay, I won't tell him... IF you go see Dusk with Erica and I!" Rory stated.

"No! Rory I hate those movies!" Dakoda whined, crossing her arms and stomping her foot like a child.

"Alright." Rory sighed, "I guess I'll just tell Benny that you-"

"Okay okay fine!" Dakoda groaned, as Rory cheered.


Dakoda walked into Whitechapel High with Rory beside her, her violet eyes wide with horror and betrayal as she saw posters saying:


With her best friend's name signed at the bottom.

"RORY WHAT THE HELL?!" Dakoda shouted, turning on her best friend who shrugged innocently.

"What? You said Benny wasn't supposed to know, you didn't say anything about the school knowing."

"Benny goes to this school, Rory!"


Dakoda's violet eyes widened as she turned around, her blonde hair whipping her face slightly at the speed, and she looked away as her eyes met Benny's.

"Ummm... So is it true? Do-Do you like me?" Benny questioned, stepping closer to Dakoda when she nodded and grinned at her, "Well it's a good thing I like you too."

Dakoda looked up at her brunette crush with wide eyes, opening her mouth to say something but was cut off when a pair of lips met her own. All to soon, however, Benny pulled away and sent her a heart-melting smile.

"As much as I'd love to continue that, I still need to ask you something." Benny grinned, "Will you be my girlfriend, Dakoda?"

"HELL NO!" came from behind them and Dakoda shrieked when someone picked her up and through her over their shoulder. Looking back, she saw the familiar light brown hair of her older brother Sam and looked back at Benny who was running from Dean.

"HEY BENNY!" Dakoda shouted, making him look her way while he kept running, "THE ANSWER IS YES!" Benny cheered, fist pumping the air, but that turned to him screaming and running as Dean continuously tried to grab him.

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