One-Shot #2

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Rory Part 2 one-shot for CharleeCongreve. Check out her stories!!!! Hope you enjoy this, Charlee! (it's going to be in 1st person pov this time so it's easier to write :P )


"So, do the others know?" Rory asked when I woke up the next day, getting ready to meet the others at the field.

"Know what? What my family and I are?" I questioned and Rory nodded, "No. I was planning on telling them after we left the field today since we're all heading over to Ethan's for a bit afterwards before coming here so they can meet my family."

He nodded once more before we walked out, both of us shouting bye to my family before running to school. However, when we reached our friends, I didn't get the normal greetings I was expecting. Instead, Erica and Sarah grabbed me, dragging me behind the school while Rory tried to stop them, Ethan holding a silver blade and Benny holding his spell book.

"What the hell are you, Charlee?" Ethan asked, "I know there's something different about you but I can't figure it out."

"You're not so smart now are ya, E?" I joked, "I'm a hybrid. Part vampire, part wolf."

I shoved the girls off me, "I ain't gonna hurt ya, you can put away your weapons guys."

Ethan slid the dagger hesitantly into his bag while Benny put his book away and the girls retracted their fangs.

"I was planning on telling you guys when I introduced you to my family but since we're already late, let's just go now. We can bring Jane too, if you want to Ethan."

Everyone nodded and I turned on my heel, heading away from the school with Rory next to me and the others behind us. I could hear them discussing how my being was possible and I rolled my eyes.

"My Mom's a werewolf and my Dad's a vampire. They got together, had sex, and then I was born!" I said, not looking at them, "Now you know how it's possible so shut up."

I heard my friends and boyfriend chuckle at my explanation before becoming quiet as we reached Ethan's house. He ran in while the others and I waited outside until he came back out with Jane.

"Charlee!" Jane squealed, running forward and wrapping her arms around my neck as I lifted her up.

"Heya sweetie, ready to come meet my family?" I questioned and Jane nodded happily,

"Are they hybrids like you, Charlee?"

"SHE KNEW?!" The others shouted and I nodded, shrugging before looking at the little girl in my arms.

"Sort of, you'll find out when you meet them, kay?" Jane nodded and I smiled, before turning around, "Sarah take Ethan and Erica take Benny. It'll be faster."

The girls nodded before grabbing the boy they were assigned to and Jane and I smirked at the blushing Sarah and the flustered Ethan. Turning around, I ran to my house with the others and in no time at all, we made it.

"Come on in," I said, opening the door and pushing my brown/purple hair over my shoulder and smiling at them, my blue eyes sparkling as I laughed at Ethan and Bennys' scared expressions, "Chill, they ain't going to eat ya."

I smiled as they relaxed and grabbed Rory's hand as we walked to the living room, "Mom! Dad! I'm back and I brought some people you want to meet."

Entering the room, I saw my family standing in the same exact places in the same exact positions they were in when they met Rory.

"Guys," I said, when my friends joined Rory and I, "This is my family. Stefan and his brother Damon, they're vampires; my Dad Klaus, who is an Original Vampire-Werewolf hybrid and my Mom Hayley, who is a werewolf; and finally my Uncle Elijah who is an Original Vampire. Everyone, these are my friends. There's Ethan who's a seer; Benny who's a Earth Priest; and Sarah and Erica are vampires. And finally, this is Jane, Ethan's little sister. I'm pretty sure she's human but I'm not positive considering if Ethan was born with powers, than Jane might've been born with some too. Now! Introductions are all out of the way, ya'll can leave while Rory and I go watch a movie."

I handed Jane carefully to Benny before pushing them out the door and slamming it, grabbing Rorys' hand and bringing him to my room as my family stared after us. When we entered my room, I closed the door before pressing Rory against it and kissing him. Rory jumped slightly before smiling against my lips and lifting me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I tangled my fingers in his hair and tugged slightly, making him growl lowly. Rory pressed me against the door and gripped my waist before pulling me closer to him as he started floating up. Pulling away, I giggled,

"Well that's new."

I smiled at Rory as he laughed before crashing my lips to his, moaning softly as he moved his lips to my neck. I pulled his face back to mine before kissing him and running my hands up and down his chest. I started pulling up his shirt but a small scream from the doorway stopped me. Looking over, we saw Mom.

"Mom!" I screamed, pushing myself away from Rory, making us both fall to the ground.

"Oh-oh my god I am so sorry, Sweetie!" Mom exclaimed, before running out the room and closing the door screaming, "Continue if you want to but use protection! I don't want any grandchildren yet!"

"OH MY GOD MOM!" I screamed, hating this moment more than the first time.

Rory laughed before walking over to me and cuddling with me, "It's alright Char, but maybe you should lock the door next time."

My eyes widened before they closed tightly as I facepalmed myself, "I'm a freaking idiot."

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