One-Shot #7

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This is a requested Benny x Reader one shot!

I stood in the mirror in my bathroom, sighing when I couldn't see my reflection but grateful that I had my sister to help me with my hair and makeup. Sarah had told me that I had to go along with her to babysit a little girl and her brother. Like seriously, I'm the same age as the kid and he needs a babysitter? I shook my head, my now straightened (h/c) hair moving slightly as I exited the bathroom, grabbing my jean jacket and giving my sister a smile.

"You ready to go?" Sarah asked, both of them walking out of there home which, according to Sarah, used to belong to Jesse before he died.

"Definitely, but why does a kid my age need a babysitter?" I asked, a weird look on my face as we ran to the boys house.

"I asked the same thing," my sister laughed, knocking on the door and smiling at the little girl who opened it, "Hey Jane! This is my sister, (Y/N). She's going to help me babysit you."

"Okay," Jane said boredly, letting us in before yelling upstairs, "ETHAN! YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND HER SISTER ARE HERE!"

I gave Sarah a look to which she retaliated by sticking her tongue out and elbowing me as two pairs of feet came running down stairs. I looked up with her, casually eyeing the two brunette boys in front of us. Ethan walked over to Sarah and I, his friend behind him as he hugged us.

"Hey Sarah, hey (Y/N/N)!" Ethan said, before letting his friend stand in front of me, "This is-"

"I'm Benny, Benny Weir," he said, somehow pulling out a bouquet of roses from behind his back and handing it to me, "Let me just say, these roses are nothing compared to your beauty."

My cheeks flamed up as I grabbed the bouquet and looked down at my feet, hearing Sarah growl slightly, "I'm (Y/N). Sarah's sister. It's nice to meet you, Benny."

Benny grinned, pulling me to the living room and for the rest of the time Sarah and I were there, he was flirting. Some making me smile and blush, the others making me laugh and though I could see Sarah smiling I could tell she was getting very annoyed at Benny.

"That's it!" Sarah yelled, finally snapping and not noticing Ethan's parents walk in, "Enough flirting with my sister, Weir! Stay away from her! Come on, (Y/N/N), we're going home."

She stormed out the door and I got up, holding the roses to my chest gently and handing him a piece of paper with my number. I gave him a small smile before going after my sister, wincing slightly when we reached home and she slammed the door loudly. I placed the roses in a vase on the table near the doorway before heading upstairs and changing into more comfortable clothes. I gave Sarah a worried look when she continued racing through the house, loud growling coming from her as she tried to calm down.


It's been a week since I first met Benny and even though I love Sarah and she told him to stay away from me, we've been hanging out whenever we could manage to sneak away to meet each other. I pulled my (h/l) hair into a (hairstyle of choice), pulling on my black leather jacket and running downstairs to meet up with my sister before we exchanged a smile and went to school. Sarah had relaxed slightly with Benny but made sure we weren't alone with each other. Ha, if only she knew. We walked over to Ethan and Benny, Sarah giving them both a wave before racing off to her next class with Ethan. Benny gave me a smile before his eyes widened and I felt some hands clamp down on my arms and yank me back.

"There you are, (Y/N)." One of them hissed, his fangs showing as he smiled darkly as well as the others.

"What do  you want with her?" Benny said, watching with confusion and being even more confused when the vampires holding me laughed.

"You mean you don't know?" The same vamp asked, a look of incredulity on his face, "Little (Y/N) here is a vampire just like her sister."

Benny froze, giving me a hurt and angered look as I looked away, not noticing that the vampires had taken me from the school until I was thrown into a cold room and the door locked. My knees pulled into my chest as I whimpered, the look on Benny's face the only thing running through my head.


Benny watched as they left with the girl he liked- no loved, before realizing that he just let them take her. He made a face that practically screamed "Well uh... Oops" before he ran to Sarah and Ethan's class, groaning when the bell signaled the end of first period and grabbed them, pulling them to the side.

"What the heck Benny?" Sarah hissed, before looking around him, "Where the hell is my sister?"

"Well uh you see," Benny started, "a group of vampires took her and left and I didn't stop them and now I don't know where they are."

Sarah took a deep breath, "You're lucky I can track her phone."


I sat on the bed of the room I had been trapped in who knows how long, I was starting to give up that anyone would try to save me- *crash* my head snapped up at the noise, making me get off the bed and stand in a fighting stance as the door to the room flew open, revealing-

"Sarah!" I shrieked, running to my sister and throwing my arms around her, "oh thank god."

Sarah laughed happily, hugging me tightly as she started talking about how everything is okay and how she was going to take me out dress shopping and everything I'd like to do. She pulled away from the hug, letting Ethan hug me before he pulled away and Sarah looked from me to Benny before her and Ethan shared a look and left. Benny started walking out of the house I was trapped in and I followed behind him, silence between us as we walked.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly, minutes of silence finally broken between us, "I should've told you but I finally felt normal and only my sister knew that I was like her."

I could feel Benny's shocked expression as he looked at me, and I wrapped my arms around myself before feeling Benny stop and pull me into a hug.

"I'm sorry too." He said, hugging me tightly, "I shouldn't have treated you like that when I found out. You're such an amazing and sweet girl, (Y/N/N). I promise you that I will help you become mortal again if that's what you want."

I looked at Benny, smiling softly as I hugged him back. "Thank you, Benny." I whispered, pulling away slightly to kiss him and, I know this sounds cheesy, but when he kissed back, it felt as if my unbeating heart was beating again.

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