He Finds Out Your Fear

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A/N: Rory's will have a bit of self-harm and cruel words said to the reader. if you want to skip Rory's preference, go ahead. I'm also going to say that, if anyone of you goes through self-harm and/or any type of bullying, you can talk to me about it.

BENNY: You looked around the back of the school, hoping to see Benny so you could ask him for the math homework since you weren't paying attention in that class (me: ha, me everyday :P) but you sadly couldn't find him. Sighing, you turned on your heel before walking back to the front of the school.

"Where the hell are you, Weir?" you hissed.

Groaning, you rolled your (e/c) eyes before sitting on a nearby bench and taking out 'Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows' (sorry if you don't like that book, it was the first one I saw on my bookshelf. you can change it if you want) and putting in your headphones, playing the song My House by Pvris (search this song up! it's AMAZING). Opening to where you left off, your eyes quickly skimmed the page before stopping and rereading your favorite part, well more like quote:

'And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, and, equals, they departed this life.'

You smiled softly before finishing the page and flipping to the next one. You were nearing the end of the book when someone tapped your shoulder, making you jump and turn around, your braided (h/c) hair whipping over your shoulder. You looked up to see none other than Benny Weir standing behind you.

"Are we always going to meet like this?" He smirked, chuckling when you shot him your signature bitchface.

"It's not my fault you scared me," you grumbled, placing your phone and headphones into your jacket pocket.

Looking around, you noticed it was very dark and that you and Benny where the only ones at the school. Your eyes widened when you realized how long you've been here.

"CRAP! I have-"

"Don't worry about it," Benny cut you off, "Your mom sent me to find you when you didn't come and she said since she has to leave, to let you stay at my house for the night. Now lets go head to my house."

Nodding slowly, you stood up before grabbing your bag but Benny got it before you. You raised an eyebrow at him but he just smiled and shook his head. Grabbing your hand, Benny pulled you behind him as he led you away from the school. You shivered as the wind picked up, rubbing your hands up and down your arms to warm yourself up somewhat. Benny noticed you getting cold and put his sweater around your shoulders before wrapping his right arm around your waist. You ducked your head a bit, grateful that it was dark out otherwise Benny would've seen the light pink tainting your cheeks. Looking up when your felt like all the blush was gone, you looked to the bushes when you heard them rustle and a slight growling. Your heartbeat picked up when you saw to glowing red eyes. Stopping quickly, you grabbed Benny's arm and pointed to the bushes,

"Do you see those eyes too?"

Looking to where you pointed, Benny shook his head before looking down at you, his eyebrows furrowing and his eyes showing concern,

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?"

You shook your head rapidly,

"No. It- it's just, when I was little, my Dad was mauled right in front of me and I swore that it was a wolf. It had red eyes, just like the ones I just saw. Those eyes haunt me, they're the reasons I don't like dogs and why I'm always freaking out during the night because that's when it broke into my home and killed Dad, right in front of Mom and I before leaving."

You didn't notice you were crying until Benny turned your head to look at him and wiped away your tears, his concerned brown eyes meeting your tear-filled (e/c) ones. Benny wiped away the extra tears before pulling you into a hug and whispering that he'll protect you.

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