Erica Catch Up Part Two

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How She Asks You Out

Erica asked you out in the cutest way possible, at least to you it was cute. You were walking home from school, still extremely happy from overhearing Sarah and Erica's conversation. You walked into your house and gave your mom a smile as you walked upstairs, not seeing the excited look in her eyes as she opened her laptop and went to the live camera feed that she helped Erica set up in your room. Said vampire walked over to sit next to your mom and they both watched. 

You opened your bedroom door, tossing your backpack in front of your bed and closing your eyes as you stretched your arms. You walked over to your desk, rubbing your eyes which made it impossible for you to notice what was on it. When you finally did, you covered your mouth as you read the notes and saw the roses. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the camcorder and saw it was on. You picked up the bouquet of roses, closing your eyes as you smelt the sweet scent and walked over to the camera.

"Definitely," was your answer and you blew a kiss to the camera as you bent over so your face was visible before standing up and laughing when you heard two excited loud squeals from downstairs.

"Definitely," was your answer and you blew a kiss to the camera as you bent over so your face was visible before standing up and laughing when you heard two excited loud squeals from downstairs

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First Date And Your Outfit/Hairstyle/Makeup

Since the note asked to make the weekend yours and Erica's first date, that's exactly what happened. You both packed some clothes and the necessities  before taking your Dad's car and driving for a few hours to a cabin near the mountains. Of course, you were a little skeptical and paranoid but Erica reassured you that nothing and during that weekend you realized she wasn't like how she was the night you met her and the weekend was spent with you having fun. (NOT THAT KIND OF FUN YA NASTY PEOPLE XD )


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Your sister is Hannah Price

Best Friend and Enemy

Your best friend was Jane, Ethan's little sister. To others it was weird but Jane was like your little sister and you would babysit her when Sarah couldn't. Your enemy... Well at first it was Rory because he thought you stole Erica from him before realizing you're actually really cool but still doesn't like you so you guys are more like frenemies.

First Kiss

It had been about two months since your first date with Erica and since then you guys had been on four other dates. You've both only kissed each others cheek but never on the lips and you wanted to but were scared you would make her leave if you did. You sat on the old swing in your backyard, moving back and forth the tiniest bit.

"Hi, (Y/N/N)," Erica greeted from behind you, making you smile and turn around to face her.

"Hi, doll." You replied happily, letting out a small shriek when Erica was suddenly sitting on the swing with you on her lap.

You laughed softly, leaning against her and going to kiss her cheek but she was going at the same time so you ended up kissing each other. You both were shocked but didn't pull away, not even when you heard your Dad walk into the backyard and clear his throat.

Where She Likes To Kiss You

The corner of your lips- She absolutely loves to watch you lean forward when you think she's going to kiss you, only for you to end up glaring at her playfully when she kisses the corner of your lips.

How You Guys Kiss

Erica will come up behind you and turn you around before kissing you either softly, passionately, or harshly depending on the day she's had or if you guys  got into an argument or something.

How You Hug

Erica is the one who initiates the kisses but you're the one who initiates the hugs which means you'll come up to her no matter what and jump at her. You'll wrap your arms around her neck and wrap your legs around her waist, burying your head into the crook of her neck while she smiles and wraps her arms around your waist.

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