How He Asks You Out

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BENNY:  He had asked you out in the cutest way possible, at least, you thought it was cute, the others thought it was dumb yet a tiny bit adorable. Benny had taken your gameboy and changed your pokemons' names so it spelled out:







You obviously said yes, considering you really liked him and he liked you too so it was inevitable.

ETHAN: Ethan knew you were a fan of lollipops so, being the sweetheart he is, got a bowl, filled it with different lollipops and put a flower shaped balloon in the center and had written:






You were so flattered and happy that he finally asked that you had pretty much squeezed him and shouted "Yes!"

RORY: You were still confused on who asked who but it made you laugh. It was late at night and you were about to go to bed when your phone went off but you didn't hurry to answer it since your father couldn't...ya know...beat you. (Quick thing that I didn't mention before: Rory told the police about the child abuse, your father went to jail, Benny's grandma took you in, and now you're Benny's adoptive sister) You turned on your phone and saw a message from Rory.

Rory- 1.What is the first name of the guy on Fresh Prince of Bel Air? ____ Smith.                                2.What is the letter after 'T'? _                                                                                                                           3.What is the opposite of 'STOP'? __                                                                                                                      4.Three strikes and you're ___.                                                                                                                                   5.To find the area of a rectangle use length times _____.                                                                                   6.Do Re __ Fa So La Ti Do

You- 'Will' 'U' 'Go' 'Out' 'Width' 'Mi'

Rory- Of course I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You- .....................

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