Chapter 1

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I laid here in the basement, listening to the constant yelling and screaming from above. I shivered, cold and wounded by a few beatings from my superiors. May name is Shadow Marche Rosse. I lived in nothing but turmoil here. I was always abused or either yelled at for everything that has happened that wasn't my fault. I coughed and curled tighter into a ball as I tried to keep warm. I never ate...I never slept.. All I did was wallow in my own filthy despair. Even though I was born the youngest into this family, I still am grateful. Grateful to be alive.

The morning soon came and I sat up. I haven't slept or ate in weeks. I looked terrible. I groaned and stood up slowly, ignoring the pain that shot up my back, which laid long angry red whip marks that I was given yesterday. I quietly walked up the stairs and leaned against the door frame a bit. I then regained my balance and opened the door with a creak and stepped out. I heard yelling and screaming coming from the living room as I walked forward slowly. I looked over my shoulder slightly and there stood my mom and dad, staring at each other with angry eyes, continuously yelling and shouting. I let out a soft sigh and walked up the stairs quietly and to the bathroom. I had to get ready for school. When I finally reached the bathroom door, opened it and closed it with a shut and locked it. I turned and looked at the mirror. God I looked horrible! There was gashes everywhere. On my arms, and legs, even my chest and lower back. I just didn't care anymore... I walked to the shower, turned it on, and began to undress. I then stepped into the shower and winced as my open wounds began to sting. I hate my life!

Once I was dressed and ready to go, I walked downstairs and out the front door. I dared not to bother my parents when I left. It took about me 10 minutes to get to my school. I usually walk to school since nobody cares to take me there by car. I can't complain though. I like walking. It's calming. I finally reached the big school house and sighed. I looked it up and then down again. I had to admit, it is a pretty big school. I go to Chaos High school and I am in the 10th grade. "here we go..." I thought as waked forward into the building and towards my class, which was Geometry. I reached my class and walked in. Only a few people was here, but I ignored them and sat in my assigned seat in the back of the class. I then laid my head down and fell into a light slumber one I put my stuff down next to me.

-The Bell Rang-

I awoke from my nap and noticed a lot of people was here now, talking with their friends. I sat up fully and sighed softly. I was always alone. Nobody dared to talk to me. I have no friends. But I like being alone. Sometimes......

Class soon started and everyone went to their seats and sat down. My teacher, Mr. Myrtle , stood up from his desk and clapped his hands. For me, I opened my backpack and grabbed a sheet of losses leaf paper and a pencil and began preparing for class. "Alright class, today we will be starting on our first lesson on how to solve 2 step equations. I'm sure some of you may know how to do them since you did them in middle school. So get some paper and a pencil out and copy down every problem and do them yourselves!" my teacher said with a slight smile planted on his face. Some of the class groaned as the rustle of paper and unzipping of backpacks was heard. I looked around, but my focus soon reverted back to the board where the teacher immediately began writing down some problems. He turned and pointed to the board." Alright children, I need you to do these problems and show them to me after you're down." Mr. Myrtle said as he sat down at his desk and started typing on the computer. I began working immediately as well.

-After Class-

The bell rang again and it was time to pack up to go the next classes. I began putting my stuff away and zipped my bag up. Once done, I grabbed it and stood up, walking towards the door and out of the room along with some other students. I walked along the halls and looked down. I was not paying attention as I bumped into someone. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain as another spike went up my back. I looked up and shivered in fear. There stood the person I hated most, my bully, Scourge Mcdoni. He peered down at me and smirked. "Well, well, well, look who we have here...That little brat who deserves a beating for getting in my way!" he said as he punched his fists together. I flinched and sat there, motionless. Within a flash, I was lifted into the air by my shirt. " You best be ready for the beating of your life!" he shouted into my face. I closed my eyes tightly and waited for the punch to come.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing to that student?! Put him down Now!" someone said.

Me and Scourge turned our head to the voice and my eyes widened.

'W-Who is this guy?'

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