Chapter 13

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    Hours passed and the flames soon died down with the last of it's pieces. I stared as the tears I once shed soon died away into nothing but a dried river. My eyes that once shined brightly in the sunlight, now dull with every second passing by like the wind. Sonic came up behind me and hugged me close to him, resting his head on my shoulder. "Shadow?" he asked. But I didn't answer. I couldn't hear anything anymore. The firefighters stopped spraying their water on the remains of the burnt down house, others went to go check out what was the cause of the fire along with the policemen following behind them. I did nothing , but stare with dull eyes. Sonic looked at me a and shook me a bit. "Shadow? Shadow! Answer me! Say something!" Sonic shouted, trying to get my attention back down to earth. But I said nothing, staring straight. ot moving a single muscle. Sonic just frowned worriedly as he quickly kissed me on the lips. My eys widened in shock as I blushed heavily at the sudden touch. Sonic then pulled away and smiled at me., sighing in relief. "Thank god, you're alright!" Sonic said. I stared at him and blushed more, covering my mouth quickly.

"What happened to you? After the fire died out, you blacked out all of a sudden!" Sonic said as he stared into my eyes, trying to find and answer.

    I looked down and tried to remember, but I couldn't think pf anything at all... "I-I don't remember..." I replied to him. Sonic continued to look at me. "You can't remember anything?" he pressured. I looked at him and shook my head. "No.." He sighed and hugged me close to him. "Well, t least you're alright.. That's all I care about right now..." Sonic said with a small smile forming on his face. I hugged him back as I looked back at the house, frowning sadly at it. I watched the policemen and the firemen search, but from what I can see, they didn't find anything.. But kept on looking. This is the worst day of my life. It was now 5:30. The sun was setting down on the horizon. Both the firemen and the policemen left half an hours ago. Sonic and I was in the rubble of the house, looking and searching for something or at least what's left. Sonic looked around as I walked to where the livingroom once was and found something sticking out of the ground. I bent down and picked it up, dusting it off, smiling as a tear fell from my eye. It was a picture of me when I was a baby, it was still  good; the edges was a bit burnt, but still visable to look at.

    Sonic came up behind. "Did you find anything?" he asked. I turned around and held out the picture of me. Sonic took it and look at it, smiling. "Aww, it's little Shadow.." Sonic cooed. I smiled. "That was the only icture they took of me before they.."I looked down, not wanting to say anymore from that. Sonic smiled sadly. "You don't have to say anything..It's alright to say any more." Sonic replied. I nodded and smiled once more, Sonic gave the picture back to me and smiled.

"Let's go home.. You can stay at my house from now on since you don't have.....somewhere to live anymore.."

I smiled.

"Thanks Sonikku.."

    I blushed and looked down shyly, not wanting to look at Sonic at the moment. I saw Sonic blush at the name, but smile as he grabbed my hand and held it tightly. He then leaned down and kissed my cheek gently. "No problem Shaddie.." he said softly. I smiled and we began walking out of the area, where my house once stood towards Sonic's house to spend the night to rest. The next day came and it was a beautiful Saturday morning, the light shined through the curtain into my face, waking me up from my slumber. I groaned and opened my eyes, yawning softly. I noticed that my pillow was rising and falling slowly, like it was breathing. I then looked up and saw Sonic, who was sleeping peacefully. I blushed and looked down again. 'I couldn't believe that I slept in Sonic's bed last night!' I thought. My ears perked at the sound of movement and felt a pair of peachy arms wrapping around me. I blushed more and looked up, gasping to see a pair of blue lids opening to reveal a pair of emerald green eyes stare down at me. He smiled and kissed my cheek gently. "Good morning love.." Sonic whispered in my ear. I shuddered ,but replied. "G-Good Morning.." I stuttered. Sonic chuckled as he held me close. I landed in his chest and closed my eyes tightly.

    I lifted a hand to Sonic's chest and gripped it, feeling the soft fur rub through my fingers. Sonic purred at me touch. I smiled and nuzzled into Sonic's chest gently, loving the softness. Sonic looked down at me. "Hey Shadow?" Sonic asked. I looked up at him.

"Yes Sonic?"I replied.

"Let's go out on a date.."

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