Chapter 23

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    It was around 9 AM and I opened my eyes, slowly, looking around and groaning softly when sunlight hit my face a bit. Today I had school. I knew I was late, but I had to do this for Shadow so he won't fail. He'll be in the hospital for a few days at least. I sat up and stretched, revealing my nicely toned abs and muscles. Then pulled the blankets off of me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up slowly. I walked to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. I was a complete mess. My hair was jagged everywhere, bloodshot eyes, and I felt extremely sick to my stomach. But I carried on to the shower, turned on the faucet and let the water run through the shower head. I began taking off my boxers and stepped into the shower. I stared blankly at the walk in front of me as I thought of Shadow. His beautiful face, warm and welcoming smile, and those amazing ruby red eyes of his. What if I never see that again...? Tear began rolling down my cheeks, but the water washed them away. I covered my face in shame. I know it was my fault that Shadow was in the hospital, but I had to stand strong for his sake. I took my shower as quickly as possible and sighed heavily in sadness.

    After a few minutes in the shower, I stepped out and grabbed a towel from the rack and began drying my body and quills. I then grabbed a brush and started brushing softly at my fur and quills. I put the towel in the laundry basket and walked out of the bathroom towards my dresser. I opened my first drawer and grabbed a red shirt and black jeans. I put them on along with my usual red sneakers. I then grabbed my backpack and walked out of the bedroom and downstairs. I wasn't really that hungry so I skipped breakfast and walked to the front door, opening it, walking out, closing it, and locking it after with my house key. Then I began walking slowly to my school. My head hung low as  I continued walking. Once I reached the school house, I walked towards my class, hearing the clip clop of my shoes against the marbel flooring. I found my face and gripped the handle, pushing down slightly and opened the door. I walked in and everyone, even the teacher gasp in shock. I looked at the teacher's face and noticed her expression changed from shocked to comepletely annoyed.

"And why are you late Mr. Hedgehog?" she said with a stern strain in her voice.

    I grabbed a folded up paper from my back pack pcket and held it out to her without a sound made. She snatched the paper from me and opened it and read slowly. It was pure silent in the classroom, but I just stood there and watched her read it with a blank face. Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth in shock. She then looked at me sympathetically. "I didn't know that Shadow was admitted to hospital rest and is in a current coma. Im so sorry..." she said sadly. Some chuckling and whispers was was heard from the class as she turned and handed me today's assignment and homework for both me and Shadow. I have to do both so it doesn't really matter.

"Take his work and I will give him his credit even though he isn't her."

    She handed me the work and I took it and began walking to my seat slowly. Some students watched me and whispered to their friend next to them. I just igored them and sat down in my chair in the back. I plopped down my back onto the floor and laid my head down, not bothering to even listen to the lesson. My thoughts was all filled with Shadow and worry. "Ok class, now let's get back t the lesson." the teacher said as she began writing on the board again when I first came in. All the students except me followed her instructions. But I could still hear whisperings around me about Shadow. It made me even more sick that I had to listen. This sucks....

    The bell rang and all the students grabbed their things and started packing up. I sat up and grabbed my backpack and stood up, hanging it over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom, hopefully unnoticed, but I was dead wrong. "Sonc! Sonic! wait up!" I heard someone say behind me. I stopped and turned slightly and see Amy's friends come up to me with worry on their faces. "Sonic, where is Amy? I thought she would be at school today, but she isn't here! And Shadow, aren't you glad that he's in the hospital?" one of the girls asked. I stared at them blankly and sighed, closing my eyes and turning away. "Amy is never coming back...And no, I am not glad that Shadow is in the hospital... Goodbye..." I said as I began walking away to my next class of the day, Fine Arts. The girls continued calling my name, but I ignored them and continued walking, disappearing into the crowd of students rushing to their classes as well. I hate this school...I hate these people...

I hate myself....

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