Chapter 22

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     It was around midnight and me, Silver, and Shadow was in the hospital. I sat down next to Shadow's bed with a bandaged arm and head while Silver lied down on the couch with no injuries. I stared at Shadow intently, hoping that he would wake up soon. I placed a hand on top of his head and stroked it gently, smiling sadly. "I'm so glad we made it in time to save you Shadow...I was so scared that I might lose you forever... But you're here... Alive..." I whispered softly into his ear. I felt my eyes water as I nuzzled Shadow's cheek gently.

"I love you Shadow...Please wake up soon..." I said.

    Soon the door to Shadow's room opened, revealing his nurse holding a clipboard. She closed the door and looked at me, smiling. "Visiting time is over Mr. Sonic...So you will have to leave.." she said. I nodded and looked back at Shadow. "Thank you...I will be out in a second..." I replied. She nodded and walked out of the room. I stood up as I looked at Shadow sadly. "I have to go now Shadow, but I promise, I will be back tomorrow..."i said as I leaned down and kissed his lips gently. I then pulled away and looked at Silver. "Silver! Time to go.." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He groaned and sat up, opening his eyes slowly and yawns. "Already...?" he asked. I nodded and walked to him, grabbing his hand. "Come on, let's get some rest ok?" I said softly as I watch him stand up and stretch a bit. I let go of his hand and looked at Shadow once more. Silver then walked out of the room and I followed behind, closing the door after me.

   I didn't really want to leave Shadow, but I had no choice.

    When I reached home after dropping Silver off at his house, I unlocked and opened the door and walked in, closing and locking the door behind me. I flicked on the light and looked around sighing softly. "Home sweet home..." I said sarcastically. I dropped my keys on the back nearby and slowly walked to the bathroom, opening it slowly and flickering on the light. I want to take a shower after fighting that wretched girl. So I turned on the shower water, removed my clothing, and stepped inside. I grabbed the shampoo and poured some into my hand, then began rubbing myself. It was nothing but pure silence. All I could hear was the splashing of water on my body. I felt so alone without my beloved Shadow here with me.... I felt almost nothing.

    After my shower, I walked to my room and grabbed me a pair of boxers and a skin tight t-shirt and put them on. I then crawled into bed and laid there, staring up at the ceiling with a blanket expression. I turned my head slowly to see nothing but Shadow's spot in the bed. Which lied cold with no warmth of the body to warm it up again. I grabbed his pillow and hugged it lose to my chest, breathing in his sweet scent. 'Shadow' I thought as I clutched the pillow closer.

"Shadow... I miss you so much..." I said as I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep. I dreamt of Shadow as rested peacefully.

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