Chapter 25

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Shadow's POV

    A year has passed since I was released from the hospital and me and Sonic was seniors in high school. I felt so happy to be out of this school soon. I was in art class currently with Sonic sitting next to me with a smile on his face. I looked at him and he looked back. "Glad to be Seniors?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me close, nuzzling my neck gently. "Very glad.." he replied with a soft purr after. I giggled and smiled cutely. The teacher walked in an turned to the class, smiling as wide as the room. Me and Sonic pulled away and looked towards the teacher. "Ok class, I happy to hear that you guys will be graduating soon and so I came up with a big project that involves all of us together!" He said as he clapped his hands together. Everyone turned to their friends and whispered quietly, trying to figure out what the big project is. I thought for a moment and pondered. Sonic looked at me and kissed my cheek. I jumped and looked at him, blushing red. "W-What was that for?" I said as I held the place where he kissed me. Sonic chuckled and smiled. "Oh, you was just looked so cute in thought and I wanted to kiss that cute face of yours!" he replied.

I blushed and looked down shyly, still holding the place where he kissed me. Sonic chuckled.

"Ok class, our big project will be.....Drum roll please...?" he said as he raised his hands. Everyone in class started banging on their desk. The teacher put down his hands and made everyone stop. "A classroom ball! We will be getting all of our artwork that we did over the years and put them up in the gym! And with that we will have a free day and have a party in there for all of our art classes!" he said and smiled. Everyone smiled and cheered. I smiled a bit, then looked down sadly. Sonic smiled and cheered with everyone, until he looked down towards me and frowned worriedly. "Eh? Shadow, what's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head and looked at him, smiling a bit. "Nothing.. Im fine" I said. He looked at me for a minute and then sighs. "Alright, if you say so..." he replied and looked forward again. I looked back down and sighed too.

    The bell rang for us to go to our next class and I began packing up my things Sonic stood up and grabbed his backpack, while I zipped up mine and stood up as well. Sonic looked at me, but didn't smile as he grabbed my hand and began pulling me out of the room and down the hallway. I gasped and followed him, trying to keep up to the speed he was going. "Sonic! Slow down!" I said. Sonic then walked into the boys bathroom and pulled me and threw me against the wall, I yelped and closed my eyes tightly. He locked the door and walked towards me. I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at Sonic, noticing a menacing grimace on his face. I shivered in fear as I stared at him. He raised his hands and I closed my eyes tightly. I heard the slapping sound of his hand colliding with the wall next to my head. I flinched violently.

"Shadow..." he whispered.

    I shook my head, not wanting to look up. I felt a hand lift my head up slowly. "Shadow, look at me...." he said softly. I opened my eyes again and looked at Sonic, blushing a bit at how close he was. "Shadow... Tell me what's wrong...." he asked. I frowned sadly as my ears flattened against my head. I then looked down again. "I-Im just scared......This is my first party I've ever been to... A-And I don't know what will happen...." I said shakily. Sonic stared at me for a minute then hugged me close to his chest. My eyes widened in shock . "Shadow... I'm here with you by your side...There's nothing to worry about....I love you so much  and I promise to make this party the best party you ever had!" he said. I blushed red and smiled warmly. "Thank you" I replied as I pulled away and looked up at Sonic. Sonic looked back and leaned forward, kissing my lips gently. I kissed back and blushed more. We pulled away and smiled at each other. Then the bell rang and we gasped. "I guess we should get to class" Sonic said. I nodded and giggled. "Yeah!" I replied. Sonic chuckled and unlocked the door and me and him walked out hand in hand. I was really happy to have Sonic by my side.

    It was the end of school hours and many students left to go home except for me and Sonic and our art classes. Everyone was gathering their artwork that they did and began walking to the gymnasium. Me and Sonic both had some paintings and drawings. I had a lot more than Sonic did, because I love to draw! Sonic looked down at me and leaned down, nuzzling me gently. I giggled and nuzzled back. When we reached the gym, we got to work putting artwork on the bigger wall at the back of the gym room. I put my stuff down and grabbed some tape and started taping the back of my work. I wanted to put mine up high and so I held my piece in the air and tried to put it up where I wanted, I jumped and jumped, but I couldn't reach. I sighed and looked down. I was then lifted into the air and I gasped, looking down and saw Sonic holding me upward. I smiled and placed my stuff on the wall. "Im done!" I said. Sonic let me down and smiled. I turned to him and  hugged him. "Thank you!" I said.  Sonic chuckled and hugged back. "You're welcome!" he replied.

I was really happy! No... Extremely happy that Sonic is by my side!

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