Chapter 3

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     We arrived in our class on time and I let go of Sonic's hand. People stared at us as I began to walk to my seat with Sonic following. As usual, I sit in the back. I always sit alone, until Sonic sat down next to me and grinned. I looked up at him in surprise. "W-What are you doing?' I asked nervously. He smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm siting next to you of course!" he replied. I shook my head.

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

I looked down.

"Besides, I don't want you to experience the same think I go through everyday... I don't want people to hate you because of who I am...." I said softly.

     Sonic looked at me and frowned. A soft hand rested on top of mine and I gasped, looking up at Sonic again. "Shadow, you don't have to worry about that...If I want to stand by you and be your friend, then I will! no matter what happens to me...I want you to feel welcomed! Not casted away waste... So please, don't say that..." he replied with a frown. I stared at him for a moment, then looked down again and nodded. A small smile planted on my face.


     Sonic smiled once more and looked forward. His hand was still on top of mine and I blushed furiously. Class soon started when the teacher walked in. I took out 2 pieces of paper and a pencil. Sonic followed suit. "Alright class, today we will learn about the cells and their functions. please get out a couple sheets of paper and a pencil for notes, then get out your books and open to page 20." my teacher, Mr. Marron , said. Sonic looked at me. "Hey, can I use your book? I forgot mine at home." he said, scratching the back of his head nervously. I smiled and nodded as I went to get my book from my bag and put it on the desk, scooting it closer to Sonic do he can see it. "Thanks Shads!" he said happily. I nodded. I then felt eyes on me as a few people in my class looked at us, glaring holes into me. I shivered and looked down. I knew this was a bad idea.

    During class, I took a fair amount of notes while Sonic, well, he took only a few, but was still taking some. I glanced at him and noticed him looking at me. I jumped a bit when he waved at me with a smile. I quickly looked away and back down at my text book. My heart began to pound in my chest as I wrote a few more notes down. 'What is this feeling?' I thought as I continued to write. Sonic soon continued with his notes as he looked down at the book as well. A clap was heard and everyone in the class looked up to find Mr. Marron holding up a board with pictures of 2 cells. He sat on his stool and looked around. "Alright class, after doing your notes I want you to tell me what kind of cells these are, what do they do, and what the differences are! Who will go first?" he asked as he continued to look around.


The class was silent.

"Alright, ill just pick somebody.."

     His eyes then laid on me and smiled. "Shadow, how about you tell me what these cells are?" he asked. Everyone looked at me. I gulped and nervously stood up. "U-Um, t-those 2 cells are a p-plant cell and an a-animal cell Sir.." I a said as my voice cracked. Some people snickered as my nervousness got worse. Mr. Marron smiled at me and nodded in approval. "That's correct Shadow, thank you!" he said. I nodded and sat down, sighing heavily. Sonic then looked at me and patted me on the back gently. I looked at him as he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled. " anyone else?" Mr. Marron repeated. People kept on staring at m and began to whisper to their friends quietly so I wouldn't hear. I looked down and rubbed my arm, shivering from the looks.

'I hate this...' I thought.

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