Chapter 19

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    I opened my eyes and groaned heavily in pain. My head hurt...My throat was sore... I felt really dizzy. I looked around, and noticed I wasn't at Sonic's place anymore. But a slightly dark and damp place. "H-Hello?" I shouted a bit. I looked around more after shaking myself to my senses. "Hello! Is anyone there?!" I shouted more.

"No one can hear you now..." a voice said within the walls.

    I looked around quickly, trying to find the source of the voice. "W-Who are you?" I asked. "Me...Oh im your worst nightmare..."  the person said as it stepped from out of the shadows. I gasped. It was Amy... Amy smirked and evil grin and stared into my eyes with a devilish glare in her eye. "Do you really think Sonic would ever like you? Do you thing he would actually  love such a stupid, pathetic, and worthless person like you? Hah! As if!" she said and laughed in my face. I looked down sadly. Amy then slapped my in the face and growled. "How dare yo get close to my beloved Sonic?! How dare you take him away from me?! You will regret the day you ever met me!" Amy shouted as she repeatedly punched, slapped, and kicked me. I screamed in pain with every hit, my tears threatening to fall. Sonic please help me!

With Sonic...

    I ran around quickly, trying desperately to fin my beloved Shadow. "Shadow?!" I shouted. Many people passed by me and looked at me with stares. I just ignored them and continued to run. Suddenly, I ran into someone and fell backwards into my bottom and the other falling as well. I groaned in pain and rubbed my head, looking to see who I bumped into. I gasped. "Silver..?" I said. Who sat in front of me and looked at me as well. He gasped as well. "Sonic? Is that really you?" he asked. I nodded and stood up slowly, lending him a hand. He then took nd pulled himself up. I stared at him and smiled. "Its been so long!" I said. Silver looked back and smiled. "Yeah!" he replied. I then frowned and grabbed both of his hands. "Silver I need you help! My lover has disappeared and I don't know where he is! Could you please help me find him?!" I asked quickly. He quickly nodded. I smiled happily and shook his hand rapidly. "Thank You! Can you tell where he is?" I asked. Silver nodded. "But what does he look like?" Silver asked.

"He's a short, black and red hedgehog and the cutest thing in the world!" I smiled as I remembered my beloved.

    Silver smiled and nodded. "That's all I needed to know.." Silver then started glowing blue and focusing his energy on the person he was trying to find. I watched and waited patiently. Silver then opened his eyes and stopped glowing blue, looking towards me. "I know where he is...Follow me..." Silver said as he ran off. I nodded and followed him.

Shadow...Please be safe and okay....


*Sorry if it's a bit short guys...I ran out on ideas for this chapter...But here is chapter 19 and I hope you enjoyed! ;D*

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