Chapter 8

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    I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the pain, but it never came. I opened my eyes slowly and my eyes widened in horror, looking down and seeing Sonic lying down on the gravel under the car. A puddle of blood surrounded him. Tears rolled down my face as I ran to him, kneeling down and picking him up and laying his head on my lap. "Sonic? SONIC! Wake up! Please!" I shouted. The person in the car got out and ran to us, gasping. "Oh my god!" the person said as she quickly grabbed her phone and quickly dialed 911. I cried heavily. "Sonic! Please wake up!" I shouted more. A groan alerted me and I looked at Sonic.


    Sonic opened his eyes slowly, raising his hand weakly. I grabbed it and held it gently. He smiled. "D-Don't cry...I-I'll be okay.." he whispered softly. I bent down and put my forehead to I'm, tears falling onto his face. "D-Don't speak...You'll waste all of your energy.." I replied with a light sob. I heard a small chuckled and looked into his eyes. "I-I'm sorry...But I have to tell you this now..." Sonic said softly.

"I love you Shadow..From the very beginning...I just wanted to say that..."

My eyes widened in shock as I blushed heavily. 'He loves me..?' I thought repeatedly. I opened my mouth to reply,but the ambulance stopped me and stopped in front of the car. I looked up and saw two men run to us with a gurney and let it down to our height. They slowly lifted Sonic up onto the gurney and lifted him up,putting him into the truck. Before they closed the doors, I quickly ran inside and sat on the left side of Sonic. They closed the doors, got into the ambulance truck and began to drive away. What I last heard was the loud sound of police sirens fading away behind us. I looked at Sonic and noticed him having his eyes closed. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly. "please be okay..." I said as I kissed his hand gently.

Hours passed and I sat in the waiting room, tapping my foot and shaking my hands nervously. The doctors haven't come out and I was really scared for Sonic's life. The words 'I love you' repeated in my head continuously as I waited. Tears rolled down my face at Sonic's last words to me before we got here. ' I love you too Sonic... Please don't die on me...' I thought. A tap to my shoulder alerted me to look up quickly and see the doctor, who operated on SOnic, standing in front of me. I stood up quickly and wiped away my tears. "H-How is he? Is he alright?" I asked. The doctor smiled and nodded. "He's alright, but he needs to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to a month.. He broke two if his ribs and a leg, but otherwise should be fine.." he replied. I sighed in relief and closed my eyes.

"T-Thank goodness.."

I looked at the doctor again. "May I see him?" I asked politely. The doctor nodded. "Yes, you may see him, but you have to be quiet. He's sleeping now.." he replied. I nodded.

"Good, now follow me please to his room."

I followed amd looked forward, a warm smile on my face.

'He's alive...Alive...'

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