Chapter 26

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    It was about time to start the party and everyone was finished decorating the gym and setting up tables and getting refreshments and other things. I sat on the bleachers and watched everyone chat happily to their friends and shouting ever so slightly "This party is going to be awesome!". I smiled and sighed softly, looking down at my red shoes. Sonic came up to me and sat down, looking at me with his genuine smile. "Hey Shadow!" he said. I looked at Sonic and smiled back. "Hi Sonic..." I replied. Sonic blushed and smiled more, which I found really handsome. "Are you ready to party?" he asked. I nodded, but frowned a bit. "Yeah a bit....Im just a little scared..." I said.

"Don't worry, I got you!"

    I looked up at him and smiled cutely. Then suddenly the lights went out and I gasped and began to panic, searching for Sonic. I hated the dark! It reminded me of what I once had to live through in that dreadful basement. "Sonic! Sonic where are you?!" I said a bit loud. Some people around me was laughing and squealing when it suddenly became dark. I looked around and grabbed my ears as tears began to form. "Sonic!" I said again. I then felt arms wrap around me and nuzzle my cheek gently. I began to struggle. "Who are you?!" I shouted a bit. I heard a soft chuckle and immediately knew who it was. "S-Sonic?" I asked the person. "Yes it's me Shadow...There's no need to be afraid my dear..." Sonic whispered in my ear. I shuddered and blushed a soft red. Then I saw a bright light shine towards the middle of the gym room and I saw our Art teacher dressed in his goofy outfit. I always loved his outfits! "Ladies and my fellow gentlemen, I welcome you to our first ever celebration of all of our students and their impressive work! I hope everyone admired everyone's work while enjoying the party! And I thank you all for being wonderful students over the years and now I have one last thing to say...." he said. I watched carefully as I saw smoke appear and he instantly looked up with a wide smirk on his face.

"WHO IS READY TO PAAAAAAARRRTTTY!" he shouted loud enough for everyone to hear in the gym.

    Everyone screamed and clapped happily. "ALRIGHT! NOW LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" He shouted as pop was heard and he was gone without a trace. My eyes widen as music began to play loudly around the room and people started to dance and sway to the song. I smiled and giggled as I watch a few people jump, run, and rock out with the music. Sonic grabbed my hand and I looked back at him. He smiled. "May I have this dance Shadow?" he asked. I blushed and smiled warmly, nodding. "Sure!" I replied. Sonic and I began to walk down to the floor and towards a empty corner. He turned to be and smiled, beginning to dance slightly. I watched closely and began copying him. I really didn't know how to dance so I just followed Sonic's movements as he began doing some more moves. I laughed happily as we danced. I felt so free and extremely happy, that I could dance all night if I wanted.

    I then felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around and gasped in fear and saw my bully.


    Sonic looked at Scourge and growled, stepping in front of me fists raised. "What do you want asshole!?" Sonic snarled. Scourge smirked and held his hands up I defense. "Woah! woah! Calm down! Im not here to hurt your precious mate..." he replied. Sonic growled lowly as he stepped closer towards me. I hid behind Sonic, holding onto the back of his shirt. Scourge went into his pocket and grabbed something from inside, pulling it out and holds it out. Sonic stared at it with confusion and a little of suspicion. "What the hell is that?" he asked. I looked at it in confusion. Scourge smiled and shook the bottle full of pink liquid. "Oh nothing but a love potion I made myself in chemistry!" Scourge said as he looked at Shadow with a small smirk. Sonic frowned and crossed his arms. "What is it suppose to do anyway... And why do you have it?" Sonic pushed on. Scourge held the bottle out to me and I stared at it. "It's suppose to increase your love for each other ten times more! And I do say it has a nice smell to it and has been tested...And I wanted Shadow to have the rest of my delectable potion" he said. I looked up at Scourge then back down at the bottle and reached my hand for it. But Sonic snatched it out of Scourge's hand and gripped it tightly, but not bursting it.

"I'll be taking that... I don't believe your false story of a 'love potion'  you made...So best not mess with me or my lover got it!" Sonic said with a large snarly growl in his voice. I flinched at the sound and looked towards Scourge as I watched him back away, shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, I'm trying to help ya...Don't say anything if you guys end up splitting up and you regret not ever using that potion... Anyways, bye and have fun!" Scourge said as he turned and left to return to where he came from. Sonic clicked his tongue as he turned to me and looked at the pink substance in his hands. I looked at it too, wondering if Scourge was actually telling the truth. "He's lying... I know he is... This could be poison not a damn potion... Im gonna throw it away...." Sonic said as he walked to a trash can. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm which held the bottle. I looked at him and blushed, eyes sparkling like the summer sun. Sonic's eyes widen.

"What?" he asked.

"Sonic, maybe Scourge isn't lying this time... Maybe he really is trying to help us!" I replied.

"But, what if this is poison? This could kill you or me..." Sonic said with a slight frown.

"I know, but he hasn't been bullying me since 9th grade...So I think we should try it! At least a little.... Please?" I pleaded.

    Sonic grit his teeth as he looked away. Then sighed and looked back at me. "Fine, but if something happens.... Im gonna kill him for sure..." Sonic agreed. I smiled and hugged Sonic, nuzzling happily against his soft cheeks. Sonic chuckled and nuzzled back.

I hope this is something that could help us... I really want to stay by Sonic's side...

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