Chapter 17

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    It was a nice Sunday morning the next day, and I woke up to the sound of birds singing highly into the sky. I opened my eyes and yawned a bit, looking around. I tied to reach for Sonic on the other side of the bed and noticed he wasn't there. I gasped and sat up quickly, looking around for his presence. "Sonic?" I asked, but heard no sound. I jumped out of bed and opened the door for the bedroom and ran downstairs, falling face first into the ground on my way there. "OUCH!" I shouted a bit and sat up, rubbing my face a bit. "First rule: Never rush down flights of stairs in a hurry..."i said as I stood up and walked around the house in search of my blue lover. "Sonic! Where are you?" I shouted around the house as I looked everywhere for him. I almost began to panic, b8ut say a small plate full of eggs, back, cinnamon rolls, a glass of milk, and a note. I picked up the note and opened it and read it carefully. *Note: Dear Shadow, I went out to buy a few things from the store. Please eat your breakfast I made on the counter. Be back soon! Love, Sonic.* I sighed in relief and smiled, putting the note down and grabbed the plate; which was still warm. I assumed that he hasn't left not to long ago.

    An hour passed as I sat on the couch and watched TV, waiting for Sonic to come back. I sighed and looked at the door. "Where is he? He should have been home by now..." I said. I then heard the jingle of keys go into the lock and unlock the door, I stood up and watched as the door opened with a squeak and there stood Sonic with a bag in his hand and something in the other behind his back. I smiled happily as I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Sonic!" I said. Sonic then chuckled and smiled, kissing my forehead gently while closing the door with his foot. "Hey Shadow, I'm back just like I said!" he said. I looked at him and smiled cutely. "Yeah, im so glad you're home!"i replied. Sonic nodded.

"Oh, and I bought you something from the store.." Sonic said.

"What is it?"

    He then held out a bouquet of red roses towards me and smiled. "Roses, red ones!" My eyes widened in shock at the flowers as I took them into my arms. I blushed and looked at Sonic, smiling more. "Thank you very much Sonikku~" I said hugging the roses to my chest. Sonic chuckled. "You're welcome.." he said as he walked past me to the kitchen. I followed after.

    Later came sooner than expected and we have to go to school tomorrow. I was slightly disappointed that we have to go back and when I mean by we; I meant me... I didn't want to go back to when  was bullied. I sat on the window sill as I gazed out of the window into the night sky as the moon shinned brightly. Sonic walked in just wearing a pair of black boxers and looked at me. "Shadow?" he said with a  hint of worry. I turned to him, having the moon light shine a bit against my fast; adding a little illumination. Sonic blushed , but shook his head walked up to me and hugged me close. "What's wrong love...?" I told him and sighed a bit. Sonic chuckled and nuzzled his forehead against mine, purring a bit. I looked at him and blushed. "There's no need to worry my dearest Shadow...If something happens be sure to call me and I will be there to protect you with my very being..." Sonic said with a smile and a small pink blush. I smiled and closed my eyes, nuzzling back. "Thank Sonic..." I replied. We kissed one last time before the we retired into the bed for the night.

"Goodnight Shadow.. I love you so much.." Sonic said.

"Goodnight Sonic...I love you just as much.." I replied with a yawn and fell asleep to Sonic's heartbeat.

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