Chapter 5

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     Night soon fell upon the earth as many people snuggled in their bed for the night. My parents soon came home along with my siblings. I sat at the table doing my homework for tomorrow. My dad walked up to me and looked down at me with disgust. I forced a shiver to stop before it began. "W-What are you doing? Shouldn't you be down in the dirty basement where you belong?" he growled. The smell of alcohol in his breath gagged me, but i didn't show it. "Y-Yes father.. But I couldn't see in the dark basement. So that's why I came up here to do my homework." I stuttered. A hard hand came across my face as i went flying into the wall. I cried in pain and l quickly looked up, shivering in fear. My dad cracked his knuckles as he smirked down at me. 'No...No I don't want this!' I thought. Another smack came to my face as blood drew from my face. I continued to scream in pain as more and more hits came. I hate this! I hate my life!

    Hours passed and I laid on the kitchen floor, bleeding and helpless. Tears rolled down my face as I shivered in pain. Why..? What did I do to deserve such torture...? I slowly lifted myself up and screamed in pain, but I didn't care. I stood slowly and grabbed my bag. My legs..They felt like jelly as I shook violently. I have to get out of here... I slowly made my way to the door and opened it, walking out and closing the door behind me. Sonic.. I...must...hurry... My vision blurred. I fell to my knees, my backpack landing beside me. "S-Sonic..." I whispered as I fell with a soft thud.

   Night soon fell upon the sky and crickets came out. I groaned and opened my eyes, my vision blurry. "Huh?" I whispered softly. "Shadow'" a voice replied to me. I knew that voice. My vision soon cleared and there sat Sonic, who stared down at me with a concerned smile planted on his face. I stared at him.

"Son...ic.." I said.

"Shadow.." he said as he when to me and hugged me gently.

    My eyes widened in shock. "Son-" I started. "Thank god you're alright! I-I was so worried about you! I thought you wouldn't wake up! I-" he interrupted. I lowered my eyes a bit and blushed a faint red.  "Sonic, I'm sorry.." I said as I wrapped my arms around Sonic's back gently. A wet feeling felt upon my shoulder indicated that...Sonic was crying? I pat his back gently and nuzzled him into his shoulder gently. "Please, tell me what happened to you? Who did this?" he said as he pulled away and stared at me with teary eyes. I looked at him, then down at me bandaged up body. "I-I.." I started with a stutter.

"I can't tell you.." I replied.

"Why not?"

"I-I  might get in trouble.."

    A hand rested on my shoulder. "Shadow, you can tell me.. I'll understand..." Sonic smiled with a soft sniffle to follow behind. I looked down and closed my eyes. "I...Do you promise not to tell anyone if I tell you?" I asked and opened my eyes a little bit, looking up at him slightly. Sonic nodded and pat my shoulder.

"You can trust me^^"

     I sighed and closed my eyes again. "M-My dad..." I said. Sonic looked at me in a confused expression. "What do you mean? What about your dad?" he pushed. I looked up at him. "He's the one..That caused my injuries... He beats me everyday and every night..He keeps me in the basement with no heat or blankets. The luckiest thing I ever get is at least a few portions of food a day." I said, shaking a bit in fear. Sonic gasped in shock.

I regret ever saying anything... Oh chaos, help me!

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