Chapter 14

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    I blushed furiously and looked up at Sonic. "A-A date?" I asked shakily. Sonic smiled and nodded, resting his head between the space of my neck and shoulder. "Yeah, I want to go on a date with you today.. Can we?" he nuzzled. I blushed more as I looked at Sonic. I then  smiled a bit and nodded. "Um.. Sure.." I replied. Sonic smiled happily and nuzzled me happily. "Yay!" he said happily. I giggled a bit at Sonic's behavior. Sonic pulled away from me and sat down on the bed, standing up and stretched. I watched and blushed red, turning away slightly. Sonic sighed and relaxed. "I'm going to take a shower.. So you can wait until you take one.. Unless.." He turned to me., smirking. "You want to take one with me...?" he asked. I looked at him and continued to blush. I then looked down and closed my eyes tightly.

"I-I don't mind if I.... take one with you...." I replied.

    Sonic chuckled and walked to me, bending down to my level and planted  soft kiss to my lips and cheek. I looked at him and stared into his eyes. He stared back and smiled. "No need to make that face.. I'm not going to do anything if you don't want me to.."  I nodded. "I know.. I trust you.." I said. Sonic then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I gasped and fell into his chest with a small yelp. I looked up as he looked down at me and smiled. I pulled away quickly and held my hands behind my back, looking down shyly. "S-Sorry..." I said. Sonic chuckled. "It's ok.." he replied.

"Let's go take a shower.." Sonic said as he grabbed my hand again and dragged me towards the bathroom. I held on and nodded, following. Once in the bathroom, Sonic began taking off his clothes. I looked down and blushed, wrapping my arms around myself and gripped tightly to my shirt. Sonic turned to me with a smile before it turned into a worried frown. "Shadow, What's wrong?" he asked. I raised my head to him and shivered. "I'm embarrassed..." I replied. Sonic walked towards me and hugged me close to his chest, my cheek resting on his nicely toned chest. I blushed heavily. " There's no need to feel embarrassed around me.. I don't care what you look like, but I love you very much.." Sonic whispered in my ear. I blushed more and  nodded, holding on tightly to Sonic. Sonic then gripped the bottom of my shirt and began to lift it up. I gasped and shivered more. He continued taking off my shirt as he pulled it over my head. I closed my eyes tightly. Sonic smiled and dropped my shirt to the floor. "Shadow look at me.." Sonic aked softly. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. Sonic smiled down at me and held me close.

"You have such a beautiful body..."

    I blushed as I looked down shyly. "T-Thank you very much.." I replied. Sonic chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the bath tub, where the shower head sprayed water. Sonic then stepped in as did I after. Sonic turned to me and smiled. "Now let's take a shower together!" Sonic said.

    45 minutes passed by and me and Sonic was almost ready for our date. I held onto my shirt as my back was away from Sonic, bushing and smiling. Im so excited for our date! I have to make sure to not mess this up! I thouht as I put my shirt on. I then grabbed my brown shorts and put them on, looking into the mirror and smiled. Soic came up behind me and hugged me close. I gasped and turned to him.  Sonic smiled down at me. "You look nice.." he said. I blushed and looked down shyly. "T-Thank you.." I replied. Sonic let go and grabbed my hand. "Let's go before the day is done!" Sonic smiled. I nodded and put on my flip flops and began following Sonic down the stairs and to the front door. He then  opened the door, let going my hand and reached into his pocket, grabbing his keys, and walked out with me following and closed the door; locking it. I waited patiently and held my hand together in front of me. Sonic sighed as he put his keys back into his pocket, turning to me and grabbed my hand once more. "Ready?" Sonic asked. I nodded.

And so our date began...

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