Chapter 18

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    The next morning, Me and Sonic woke up, took our showers, got dressed for school, grabbed our  lunch and backpacks, and headed out of the door to the school house. I held onto my looked down as I walked, but didn't notice that I ran into the back of someone and caused them to fall forward and I fall backward. Sonic immediately was at my side and lifted me up with one of my hands in his and the other behind my back. "Are you okay Shadow?" he asked. I groaned and nodded, looking up to see w ho I bumped into. I gasped and shivered in fear and knew automatically who it was. It was...Amy Rose.. Sonic picked my up and dusted my off and grabbed my backpack. Amy stood back up after grabbing her things she dropped and turned to me and Sonic, glaring daggers into me. "Watch where you're going you Dumbass!" she shouted. I flinched. "I-I-Im sorry.. I didn't mean to-" I started. "YOU'RE SORRY! HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH MEANINGLESS WORDS TO ME?! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S SORRY!" Amy said as she came at me at full speed; fist ready to lay a punch to my face. I closed my eyes ready to feel the blast, but never received it. I opened my eyes slowly and looked up, gasping in shock as my eyes widened in horror. There stood Sonic, who stood in front of me and took the blow.

    Amy stared in awe, trying to comprehend what just happened. Sonic held his cheek as he looked at her with a fake smile. I knew on the inside that he was pissed. " I rather not have a person of the likes of you to lay a hand on my lover.. I do not approve of your actions and I will see to it that the principal will know and have you expelled from school.. OR.." He trailed off as he looked her dead in the eyes with a menacing  look plastered on his face. She jumped back as her face turned pale white. " I promise within a thousand suns I will rip you apart from the inside out, cut you up, and feed you to my demons below if you ever come near Shadow AGAIN got it.....?" he finished. Amy looked at me and then at Sonic, laughing nervously and holds her hands up in defense. "Y-Y-You have my word Sonic! No need to be mean to little old me! I-I-I'll be going n-now! BYE" She said and ran off in a full fit sprint. Sonic stood up straight, sighing heavily. All I could see is his backside and looked at him; feeling a bit scared. "S-Sonic?" I whispered. I was scared to see what his face looked like on the other side. Sonic slowly turned to me and smiled, showing his gently features, but having a huge gash on his left cheek. I gasped as  felt tear fill my eyes and sting a bit. O-Oh no Sonic...Y-Your face...I-It's.." I started. Sonic whipped off the blood with a small towel in hi pocket and chuckled. "I-Im fine Shadow! Honest! I'm just glad that you're alright~" Sonic said.

    I closed my eyes, getting ready to cry as the tear fell. "T-This is all my fault! Every time that im with you something bad always happens! This is why I should be alone!" I cried out. Sonic looked at me and held me close. "Shadow.." he said. I pushed away quickly and looked at him, my face flooded with tears and tear stains. "NO! PLEASE DON'T GET NEAR ME! IM NOTHING BUT A BURDEN!" I said and quickly ran off. Sonic gasped and ran after me, holding his hand out to me. "Shadow wait!" He shouted. I ran faster and disappeared into and alley way with Sonic seeing me. I ran passed the alley way, still yelling my name. I peeked out and sighed. But breath in the air I released, feeling a pair of hand grab me from behind and put some sort to towel over my mouth. "Sleep well my dearest "Shadow"...You'll need it..." the person said as my vision began to fade out and I passed out without another word.


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