Chapter 21

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Sonic's POV

    I stared down at the body of my lover, who laid lifeless on the ground. His blood pooling around him. I felt tears form in my eyes as I ran to him and kneeled down, picking him up. "Shadow! Shadow, open your eyes! Please!" I shouted. I then heard a soft laugh come from behind me. I turned  quickly and growled at the sight of seeing Amy. She laughed as she stood a few feet from me. I put Shadow down gently and stood up, turning towards her fully, gripping my hand tightly into a fist. "Oh my Sonikku, why must you be so difficult? Fufufu" Amy said as she stared at me.

"What did you do to Shadow you fucking bitch?!" I shouted in anger.

She looked down towards Shadow's body.

"Oh, I beaten him, whipped him, and poisoned him..." Amy said as she counted with her fingers.

    My eyes widened. "You what...?" I repeated. Amy back at me and smirked. "And he only has a few minutes to live before he dies...Unless..." she stopped. I looked at her. "Unless....?" I said. "Unless you become my boyfriend, I will give this pathetic piece of trash the antidote!" she finished. I looked down at Shadow and then back at Amy. I growled and got into a fighting stance. "There is no way in HELL I would ever become your boyfriend! YOU KIDNAPPED MY BOYFRIEND, BEATENHIM, AND EVEN POISONED HIM?! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT!" I said as felt my blood boil with utterly dangerous anger burning inside of my body.

"Oh well, I guess you will die along with your pathetic lover..." Amy said as she summoned a huge black gun.

    I rawred out as I felt my body pulsate, my eyes burn with the color white, and my quills turn back as the darkest night. I glared at Amy with pure anger as it grew and grew. "No, I will die and I will send you straight to HELL!" I shouted with a bit of a demonic sound. I felt nothing but anger and hatred. Amy smirked and pointed the gun at me. "Hmph! DIE!" she shouted as a gunshot was heard. I dodged and ran at her at full speed, raising my fist. I punched, but she dodge by back flipping away from me. I turned to see Silver and saw him sneaking up behind Amy slowly and quietly. "HEY, OVER HERE DUMBASS!" Amy said as she shot her gun and it hit me in the shoulder. I screamed in pain, but quickly focused back at Amy. She smirked that evil smile across her face. "FUCKING BITCH!" I shouted demonically.

    I ran to her at full speed and ready to punch her again. Amy then pointed the gun at me once more." oh no you don't!" she said. "Silver now!" I yelled. Silver nodded and used his telekinesis to stop Amy from moving. Amy gasped and stood in place.


    I smirked and threw a punch to her face, making her drop the gun. I then picked it up and pointed it at her as I watched her fall to the ground. Silver jumped away, knowing the gun might kill him. Amy coughed up some blood as she got up weakly, looking at me with weak eyes. "N-No...Please...don't kill me..." she said as she reached out slightly. I smirked evilly.

"Goodbye....Amy Rose..."i said as I shot the gun and watched the bullet go through her head. She stared wide eyes at me as she fell to the floor, finally lifeless. I sighed and dropped the gun, returning to my regular self. I fell to the floor and looked down at my hands, realizing what I just did. Then I remembered Shadow and quickly turned around. "Shadow!" I said. I saw Silver holding Shadow's body in his arms and looked down at me. "We have to go now or Shadow will die..." he said as he ran out of the door. I stood up and began o walk out of the room, but turned to look at Amy's body. "I hoe you burn in hell bitch.." I said as I closed the door and ran after Silver.

Please Shadow...Please be okay..

"Stay strong'

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