Chapter 4

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     Several hours soon past and it was time to go home. I was at my locker putting my stuff in and grabbing my homework and other things I needed. A  pair of hands covered my eyes as I gasped . "Guess who!" the person said. I immediately knew who it was and smiled a bit. "It's Sonic isn't it?" i answered. The hands was removed and i opened my eyes, turned around, and saw Sonic standing there smiling. I smiled more. "Correct!" Sonic said. I nodded and closed my locker and locked it after getting all of my things i needed. "What did you need Sonic?" I asked him. Sonic blushed and scratched the back of his head nervously. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to walk home together or something...?" Sonic asked. I blushed and looked down. No one has ever asked me to walk home with them before. I gulped and nodded slowly. "U-Um, sure...I'll walk with you..." I replied nervously. Sonic smiled happily and hugged me. 

"Really?! Thank you!" 

I blushed more, but hugged back,burying my face into his shoulder.

 'He's so warm...I never felt this way before...'

My heart raced. 

'So warm..' I thought.

     Sonic then pulled away and looked at me, noticing my red face. "Are you alright? Are you sick?" he asked. I gasped and covered my muzzle. "I-I'm fine.. Let's just go..."I said as I began walking away. Sonic shrugged and followed. I feel so embarrassed right now.

     When soon arrived at my house and thank god my parents or siblings was not home at the time. I sighed and stood at the porch at my doorstep and sighed in relief. 'Thank goodness..' I thought. I turned to Sonic and bowed a bit. "T-Thank you for walking me home..I really appreciate it very much.." i said with a small blush planted on my face. I felt a hand on my chin and lift my head up to look into the eyes of it's keeper. Sonic looked at me and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss upon my lips. My eyes widened in shock as I blushed bright red in the face. 'H-He's kissing me! M-My first kiss!' I thought.  Sonic then pulled away and looked at me with a small smile on his face. But his expression changed into a shocked one to only find  tears in my eyes and covering my mouth and looking at him in shock. "Don't tell me... that was your first kiss?" he asked. I looked down as tears rolled down my face. He quickly covered his mouth and blushed heavily. "I-I didn't know...I-I'm sorry.." he stuttered.

"Just leave me alone!" i shouted and ran into the house, closing and locking the door. 

My first now gone forever!


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