Chapter 6

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    I stare up at Sonic, fearing the most of what he might say. He stared down at me with wide eyes, then frowned in anger and gripped my shoulders. "Why would he do this to you?! Who beats their own child?!" he yelled. I flinched and closed my eyes tightly, tears fall down my rosy cheeks. I heard a sigh and felt him pull me closer to his chest. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He had his eyes closed shut as he gripped onto me tightly. "Please don't cry... It hurts me to see you like this..." Sonic whispered. I hugged Sonic back and buried my face into his chest. I sniffed. "I'm sorry.." I replied with a shaky voice. A light kiss was placed on my temple.

"Just promise me, that whatever happens.. Always tell me... I will always be there to help you..."

I nodded with a gentle smile on my face. "I-I promise.." I replied.

    I yawned and blinked a few. Sonic chuckled. "I guess it's time for bed.." Sonic smiled. I looked at him sleepily. "May I stay the night at your house?" I asked. Sonic nodded and nuzzled my cheek along side his. "Sure, I'll go get you a pair of  PJs from my closet, be right back ok?" Sonic said as he stood up.  Shadow nodded and smiled. "Alright.." I said softly. Sonic then walked away and upstairs to his room. I slowly closed my eyes as my vision turned black. I felt so...happy.

-Sonic's POV-

    I walked up to my room and opened my door, walking towards the closet and opened it slowly. I looked through the clothes and smiled happily. "Ah! There it is!" I said as I grabbed the pair of clothes. The PJs were blood red with a black crown picture on the front of the shirt.

"This will be perfect for Shadow~"

    I closed my closet door and walked out of my room, closing the door behind me. I walked downstairs and walked into the livingroom. Only to find Shadow sleeping soundly, making tiny little snores here and there. I smiled and went to him and sat down softly to not wake him. I looked down at his body and blushed, gulping quietly. 'I-I can do this...' I thought as I slowly reached for his shirt and began to unbutton it slowly. I shook as I opened his shirt and blushed redder, noticing a white tuff of fur on his chest and slightly feminine curves.  I slowly took it off him and put the PJ shirt on him. My eyes traveled to his pants and my face turned completely red. 'Why the pants man!' I thought as I  closed my eyes  and quickly took off his pants, not waking him. I grabbed the PJ pants and kept my eyes closed.

' Just one peek wouldn't hurt..'

I opened my eyes a bit and gasped, seeing Shadow had white  panties. my eyes widened in shock to also notice that he had feminine curves as well considering he is a boy. "Beautiful.." I whispered as I stared. I then gasped and put the pants on him and looked away quickly. I grabbed Shadow's closed and ran to the laundry room, threw them in the washer with some soap, closing the door and turning it on. I looked down at my pants and notced a bulge in them. "Aww man!" I said as I walked back to the livingroom. looking at Shadow, I bent down kissed his cheek and smiled. "I love you.." I whispered as I grabbed a blanket and covered him with it. Then I go upstairs and to my bedroom, closing the door. Shadow smiled and snuggled into the blankets without a care in the world.

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