Chapter 24

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2:00 o'clock rolled through fast and i began walking out of school with my head down. I should go see Shadow today. I walked down the sidewalk to my house, opened the door after unlocking it, and closed the door behind me. I dropped my backpack and walked upstairs to take a quick shower. The i got dressed quickly and walked back downstairs to my front door and opened it, closing it behind me and locking it. Then i ran quickly down the street towards the hospital. A few minutes later, i reached the hospital and walked in and looked around. I noticed not that many people walking around on the ground floor. i slowly walked up to the service desk and looked at the lady, who sat there talking on the phone. She looked at me and held up one finger, signaling me she'll be with me in a second.

I waited patiently.

    The lady put the phone back on the dock and turned to me, smiling warmly. "Hello, how may i help you today?" she asked. I smiled back. "I'm looking for Shadow Rosse.." i replied to her. She nodded and turned to her to her computer and started typing on the keyboard. I watched her intently. She smiled as the computer sounded a ding. "Ah, here he is...Shadow Rosse; room 318 on floor 3!" she said as she looked at me. I smiled and thanked her and walked away to the elevator. I reached the elevator and pushed the button, waiting patiently for the elevator to take me up to Shadow's room. Once it came I stepped in side and i pushed the 3 button and it took me up to that floor. A few minutes later, i stepped out of the elevator and looked around, noticing a bunch of people walking around. I grit my teeth and began walking down the hallways, looking up at the door numbers. " 315, 316, 317, 318! got it.." i said as i stopped at the door and sighed. I was really nervous right now, but i gained all the courage i needed and grabbed the handle. I pushed it down and opened the door quietly, stepping inside and looking around. "Shadow...?" I whispered. i walked in and closed the door after me walking forward slowly. I turned the corner and smiled, seeing Shadow still asleep. I grabbed a chair and put it next to the bed and sat down, looking at Shadow as i grabbed his hand and held it tightly in my hands. I smiled sadly and kissed Shadow's hand gently. "Hey Shadow, i don't know if you can hear me but... i came to visit you after school...I can't wait till you wake up..." i said softly as i stared at his face. A small tear left my eye, but i quickly wiped it away, trying to be strong.

    Soon i felt Shadow's hand tighten around mine and i looked at him in shock, watching him closely. He frowned and opened his eyes slowly, revealing bright ruby red eyes. My eyes widened as Shadow turned his head to me and smiled warmly. "Sonic..." he said. Tears began rolling down my face as I stood up and hugged Shadow close. "Shadow! My Shadow..." i cried. Shadow hugged back and nuzzled me gently. "I missed you too Sonic.." he said softly. i pulled away and kissed him lovingly, not wanting to let go. I then pulled away and smiled happily. "You're finally awake! I'm so happy!" I said. He smiled cutely and giggled a bit. "I heard you when i was asleep for a while.." Shadow said. I wiped my tears and kissed Shadow's nose gently. "I'm glad you heard every single word... God i love you so much!" i said. "I love you just as much Sonic~And thank you~" he replied. I hugged him close and we cuddled till the end of the night. I don't ever want to part from Shadow ever again. Because....

I will protect him now for the rest of my life!

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