Chapter 11

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    The class grew loud as people talked and drew their drawings, while me and Sonic were silent as we drew our pictures. Sonic kept on looking up and down, trying to get every detail of my face, sticking his tongue out like he was trying really hard. I smiled behind my sketchbook and blushed a bit.  I looked at my drawing and smiled, finally satisfied with what I drew so far. Sonic looked at me and smiled. "Hey Shadow, Let me see your drawing.." Sonic asked. I looked up and blushed red. "U-Um.. ok.. But it's not that good.." I replied as I placed my pencil down on my desk, then slowly turned it  around to let him see my drawing. Sonic's eyes widened in shock, amazed. "Wow, that looks amazing! You really can draw!" Sonic said as he smiled happily at me with a tint of a small red blush on his cheeks. I blushed heavily and looked down shyly, turning my drawing back around to face me again.

"I-It's not that good... But thank you very much for the compliment.." I said.

    Sonic looked at me and leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss upon my cheek. I looked up quickly and held the place where I felt his soft lips. "You're really amazing Shaddie.. I really admire you a lot.." Sonic said softly. I blushed and smiled cutely at him. "Thank you very much!" I replied. Sonic blushed red as he stared at me. He then looked around and then leaned forward towards me and cupped my cheek gently. "May I kiss you?" Sonic asked. I blushed heavily as I looked into Sonic's eyes. I then closed my eyes tightly and nodded. Sonic chuckled and pressed his lips against mine into a soft kiss. I opened my eyes a bit, staring into nothing but blue fur. I then closed my eyes and kissed back slowly. Sonic hugged me close and moaned quietly. I blushed red. He then pulled away and looked at me, smiling warmly. I opened my eyes half way and looked at Sonic, panting a bit as the blush on my face lingered.

"I love you so much Shadow...And I promise to stay by your side... No matter what.." Sonic smiled.

I smiled a bit. "I love you too Sonic..." I replied.

    A few minutes later, the bell rang to go to our next class and everyone quickly started packing up. Mr. Chezaro stood up and clapped his hands. "Alright class, please turn in your drawings!" he said. Everyone stood up and walked towards the front of the classroom and placed their drawing on the teacher's desk. Sonic looked at me and held out his hand to me. "Give me your drawing, I'll take it up there for you.." he said. I nodded and handed him my drawing. He took it and walked to the front like everyone else did. I began packing up my things and sighed. Sonic soon came back and smiled at me, packing up his things as well, then stood up, turning to me and holding out his hand to me again. "Let's go to our next class together.." Sonic suggested. I grabbed my things as I stared at his hand intently. I then blushed and grabbed it, standing up as well. Sonic smiled as he began walking back towards the front, walking out of the room together. Other students followed after, talking to their friends along the way. I looked down at our joined hands. Some people turned to us and whispered to their friend next to them, frowning. I frowned sadly and kept my head down. Sonic turned to me and frowned worriedly. "Are you alright Shadow?" he asked me. I looked at him and faked smiled. "I'm fine Sonic, no need to worry..." I replied. Sonic continued to look at me, then turned back to look forward again. I felt bad that I had to lie to Sonic, but I can't let him into my issues... If I do that, he may leave me....and I don't want that! I was too caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice that I had bumped into someone, falling back and dropping my things. I fell with a loud thud and groaned in pain. Sonic gasped and ran to my side, kneeling down to my level.

"Shadow, are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

     I groaned in pain and nodded. I then opened my eyes and gasped in shock seeing a pink hedgehog from earlier, Amy. Amy glared at me. "Watch where you're going you piece of shit!" she said. I shivered in fear. Sonic stood up and looked at Amy in anger. "How about you watch where you're going?! You're the one that ran into Shadow on purpose!" Sonic yelled. People around us looked at us and formed a circle around us. Amy stood aback. "Why are you on his side all of a sudden! You should be on my side! And besides, Why are you with him anyway? He's nothing but a piece of shit that needed to be thrown away a long time ago! He should just die!" Amy shouted. Sonic growled loudly and raised his fist, getting ready to punch her. I stood up quickly and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly, tears forming in my eyes. "No Sonic, don't do it!" I said. People around us gasped and whispered. Sonic turned to me, still having anger planted on his features. "But she said those awful things about you!" Sonic said. I looked at him and smiled. "I don't care.. She can say all the hateful things about me if she wants! But fighting is not the answer.." I replied. Sonic sighed and let his fist down, turning towards Amy, who stood aback at what Sonic was about to do to her. "Amy, please leave us alone.. I don't want to hurt you.. For Shadow's sake.. Please.." Sonic said as he looked at her. Amy looked around, seeing people staring at her. She then turned to us and sighed. "Fine..." she said as she turned to walk away, people parting to let her out of the circle. Others talked and began to part to go to their other classes. Sonic turned to me and hugged me tightly. I blushed and looked at Sonic.

"Sonic?" I asked.


I frowned and hugged him back, patting his back gently. Oh Sonic..

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