Chapter 7

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Shadow's POV

   The sun rose into the sky as the it peeked through the window. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around slowly. "W-Where am I?" I asked as I looked down and gasped, seeing that I had PJs on. "Oh that's right! I slept at Sonic's house..." I blushed. 'I hope he didn't see me body and underwear..' I thought as I closed my eyes tightly, feeling embarrassed. A door opening made me flinch and look up quickly towards the stairs. Sonic walked downstairs wearing nothing but black pants and no shirt, showing his 6 pack and yawning widely. My whole face turned red as I stared at him. He then looked at me and smiled. "Good morning Shadow.. Did you have a good sleep?" he asked. I looked down and away shyly. I nodded.


    Sonic chuckled. "That's good! Oh, we have to get ready for school soon or we'll be late!" Sonic said as he walked away. I looked up and pulled the blankets off of me and sat on the edge of the couch, staring into the TV's black void. 'Sonic...' I thought as I looked at myself, dazing off. Sonic came back and looked at me, holding out my clothes from earlier. "Here! I washed your clothes last night so you could wear them today!" he said with a happy smile on his face. I turned and looked at him, blushing and looking at my clothes. I took them from his hands and stared down at them. "" I said softly with a hint of whisper. Sonic nodded and smiled warmly. "Sure thing! The bathroom is down the hall to the left if you were wondering..." he said. I nodded and stood up, walking away from him and towards the hallway to find the bathroom. I heard a shuffle up the stairs and knew that Sonic went upstairs to get dressed too.

    After a while, me and Sonic was walking to school together. I turned red at the thought of Sonic actually seeing my body and underwear. God! It drives me insane! I have to ask him. I looked at Sonic, who looked back at me and smiled. "What is it?" he asked gently. I opened my mouth, forcing words to come out. "S-Sonic, did you seeing a-anything... when... you the your PJs on me?" I asked. I finally said it! Sonic's eyes widened as he blushed red, turning away. He nodded slowly. "I-I did..." he replied. My eyes widened as tears formed in my eyes. 'He saw?! Please don't tell!' I thought as I closed my eyes tightly, looking down. What I didn't notice was that Sonic stopped and continued walking. The sound of a car horn came and I opened my eyes, turning towards the sound and gasped, seeing a car hurdling towards me at high speed.



Everything went black.

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