Chapter 20

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Shadow's POV

    It was 6:00 o'clock I think and I sat her in this room in silence. I felt nothing but pain. I winced as the wounds I was just given a few hours ago stung me. I miss Sonic...I miss his soft touch. His gentle voice. I just miss him so much. I felt tears rise to me eyes, but quickly wiped them away. I can't cry...I have to be strong. Soon the door to my dark room opened, a light blinding me with it's bright ray. I opened my eyes and gasped, seeing the person who beaten me. Broken me... Amy Rose, the most popular girl in school...Loved by everyone. She then walked to me as she held a tray of food on a tray. I smelled it as my stomach growled hungrily. She smirked and stood in front of me. "Now now, don't be afraid..Im only here to give you some food... Here..." she said as she set the tray in front of me. I looked down at it and then at her. It felt like she was tricking me. She snarled in disgust. "Either you eat or you can starve! I can care less!" she said and turned away, walking out of the door. She turned to me once more and stared at me, smirking that evil look.

"Goodnight, pathetic wench..." she said as she slammed the door and locked it.

    I looked down once more, staring at intently. I knew that she was trying to poison me so I just pushed the tray of food away, denying my hunger. I shivered in the corner and closed my eyes, waiting for my beloved Sonic to come rescue me. 'Please come soon...'

Sonic's POV

    Night has come and we stood in front of an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods. I looked at Silver. "Is this the place?" I asked. Silver turned to me and nodded. "Yes, this is definitely the place..." he replied. I then looked at the cabin and gripped my fists tightly. "Ok, let's go!" I said and walked up towards the building, opening the door slowly. The door creaked opened and all I could see was endless darkness. I grit my teeth and turned towards Silver. "Let's go...I have a deal to settle with someone..." I said and walked into the house. Silver followed with soft foot steps behind me. I scanned the area around us and saw old wood, clothes, and other stuff everywhere. It also smelled of blood and it was fresh. Silver grabbed my hand and stopped me. I turned to him. "What's wrong?" I whispered. Silver pointed upwards and looked back at me. "Upstairs...I hear something..." he whispered back. I nodded and continued walking until I reached the head of the stairs.

    I walked up the stairs quietly, making a few squeaks here and there. Once I reached the top of the stairs. I heard soft snores echo through the hallway as we walked slowly and carefully. Then a scream was heard from behind me and I turned, gasping seeing Silver knocked out and a person holding an object. The person then charge at me without me reacting in time and knocked me out as well. All I could hear was a soft giggle before I fell unconscious.

    A few hours later, I opened my eyes slowly and groaned in pain, my head hurt and I felt something wet drip from my forehead. I tried to move, but noticed I was tied up. I looked around and noticed I was in some sort of metal room. "Where am I?" I asked myself. My ears perked to the sound of a door opening and turned towards it, seeing someone walk in with a black cloak and a hood over their head. "Hello there...Sonic.." it said.  I growled and frowned angrily. "WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHERE IS SHADOW?!" I shouted angrily. The person walked up to me and kneeled down in front of my face, pulling the hood back to reveal it's face. I gasped. "A-Amy?" I asked. "Correct my dear Sonikku.." Amy said and kissed my cheek. I growled in disgust. She then put her finger against my lips and smiled. "Don't be mad at me Sonikku..I am your girlfriend after all.." Amy said. "You're not my girlfriend! I only love one and that is Shadow! Now where is he?! Tell me NOW!" I shouted.

"And where is Silver?!"

    Amy sighed and stood up and stared down at me with a straight face. "Oh don't worry, you will see Shadow very soon..Fufufufu..." she laughed as she turned and walked away, closing the door behind her. I growled loud and struggled to get free. I then heard screams of pain and I instantly knew who's screams those were.  Shadow... I felt my anger rise as my eyes turned white slightly and my quills raise. I then felt arms grab me from behind. "Mmngh!" I tried to say. "Shh! Relax I got you..." the person said as he uncovered  his hand and began untying me. I turned to the person and smiled happily. "Silver... Im so glad that you're okay.." I whispered. Silver looked back at me and smiled, finally releasing my hands. "It's good to see you too Sonic" he replied. I stood up, pulling Silver up with me. "I know where Shadow is and I am dreadful to tell you that he is dying fast...We have to get there now!" Silver whispered. My eyes widened in shock as I felt my whole world shatter. "Then Let's go!" I said as h opened the door and ran out. Silver followed behind me quickly.

   As I ran down the hallway, the screams got louder and louder. I felt my heart race, as I ran quickly. "The room Shadow is in is on the left at the end of the hall!" Silver said. I nodded and ran faster. As soon as I reached the door, I broke down the door and gasped in shock, seeing horror before my eyes.

'Oh no...Shadow!'

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