Chapter 15

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    Our first stop was a small café that sat in the Station Square. Sonic held my hand as he looked at the café restaurant in awe. I looked at it, my eyes widened. Sonic looked at me and smiled happily. "Let go in! This is my first time being here!" Sonic said as he gripped my hand and walked up to the café door and opened it for me to walk through. I blushed as I walked in slowly. Sonic chuckled and walk in after me, grabbing my hand again. I looked up and around, mouth agape with amazement. The café looks even better inside than outside! Sonic looked down at me and smiled. Shall we get some food?" Sonic asked with a smile on his face. I snapped out of my trance and looked up at Sonic, blushing. "U-Um... sure.." I replied. Sonic smiled more. "How about you find us a seat for us to sit in and I'll go order our food! Ok?" he said. I nodded once more and walked away to find us a seat. I then found a booth  near the window that we could sit in and sat in one of the chairs. I looked out of the window, sighing. I watch Sonic through the reflection of the window as he talked with this girl at the counter.

    My eyes widened as I saw Sonic and the girl laugh. I ear laid flat against my head as I looked down sadly. Sonic then came back and sat down in front of me with a smile. "Our food will be ready in a few minutes.." Sonic said as he looked at me. I nodded and continued to look down. Sonic frowned. "What's wrong? Shadow look at me?" He asked. I turned my head away, not wanting to look at him. "I'm fine.. Don't worry about it..." I replied lowly. Sonic frowned and sighed, leaning back into his seat. Soon after our food came, but the food was being passed out to us by that girl. She stared at Sonic and smiled. Sonic smiled back and thanked her for the food. She blushed and walked away. I looked down at my food and saw a nice cut sandwhich with a side of fruit. I smiled. I loved fruit! I looked up at Sonic's plate and saw a hotdog with chili and cheese on it and a side of fries. I smiled at his food too. His food sure does look delicious.. I thought. Sonic looked at me and smiled.

"Would you like to have a bite?" Sonic asked.

    I jumped a bit and looked up at him. I blushed and nodded. "Y-Yeah.." I replied. Sonic then grabbed the dog and split it in half and held the half out to me. I looked at it as I slowly raised my hand and grabbed it. I stared at it curiously. I then took a bite and moaned at the taste. I smiled warmly as I chewed the delicious food. "is it good?" Sonc asked. I swallowed and looked at Sonic with a happy smile. "I love it! Its delicious!" I replied as I continued eating the hotdog. Sonic chuckled.

"I'm glad you like it~"

    We continued eating, passing coversations/laughter here and there. Before we knew it, it was high noon and we finished eating. I began gathering the plates and slid out of my chair, grabbing the plates. "I'll take the plates to the trash!" I said as I walked away. Sonic watched me and stared at my behind, blushing heavily. He then turned back around and sighed. I then came back and looked at Sonic. "Ready to go?" I asked. Sonic looked at me, blush completely gone and smiled, sliding out of his seat and stood up. "Yeah, there's still more things we have to do for our date!" he replied as he grabbed my hand and began walking out of the café. I felt a lot better now that we're out of that restaurant.

    We walked slowly down the street, passing by people and other restaurants. "So, where are we going now?" I asked at I looked up at Sonic. God I hate being short... Sonic looked down at me and smiled. "We're going to the movies next! What movie do you want to see?" he asked. I looked down and thought for a minute. "Well..Um.. I would like to see Annie..I always wanted to see that movie.." I replied as I looked up at Sonic with a smile. Sonic chuckled.

"Well then, Annie it is!"Sonic said.

I smiled and jumped in glee in my head. I'm so happy right now! This is the best day ever!

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