Chapter 12

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     Me and Sonic stood in the hallway, still holding each other close like there was no tomorrow. I hugged him back and looked at him, frowning in confusion. "Sonic?" I asked. Sonic pulled away and stared into my eyes, frowning sadly. I stared back into his eyes and saw nothing but sadness in them. It broke my heart to see him this upset and gloomy.  "Shadow, I'm so sorry...  You got hurt because of me.. " Sonic said as a tear left his eye. I stared at him for a minute and frowned sadly. Then smiled and hugged Sonic tightly. "Sonic it's ok... You don't have to worry about that now.. It's over.." I replied. Sonic looked away. I looked down as I closed my eyes tightly, blushing a bit. "Besides, I love you no matter what...I want you to stay by my side at all times.. I can't survive without you in my life.. So, I don't care what happens to me.. All I care about it staying by you and loving you for who you are.." I said as I blushed redder. Sonic's eyes widened as he looked down at me in shock at my words. I looked up at him and smiled. "D-Do you really mean that?" Sonic asked. I nodded. Sonic smiled and hugged me closer to him.

"So, do you promise to stay by my side, even if the worse comes our way?"

    I nodded once more as I smiled cutely. Sonic then leaned forward towards me and pressed his lips onto mine. I continued to blush as I kissed back, loving the softness in his touch. Sonic then pulled away and smiled more down at me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "We should get to class, we're already late.." Sonic suggested. I gasped and quickly pulled away from Sonic, grabbing my backpack from off the ground and put it on. "Then, we have to go now!" I said as I ran down the hall.

"Come on!" I shouted at Sonic.

    Sonic chuckled and grabbed his things as well and ran after me.  Once we made it the classroom, we quickly ran in and sighed, panting a bit from running. The teacher looked at us and frowned. "Why are you two late?" Mrs. Thomas asked. I went to say something, but Sonic stood in front of me and smiled at the teacher. "We was in the bathroom and we lost track of time. Sorry teach!" Sonic said. I looked at Sonic then at the teacher. Mrs. Thomas looked at both of us and sighed. "Alright, but please don't be late again or you will get detention next time.." She said. Sonic and I nodded and we both walked to our seats. Many student watched us as we walked past them towards the back. Sonic and I sat in the back of the classroom again, unpacking to grab our materials for class, which was Biology. We were ready for the lesson; even though we missed half of it.

    Hours soon passed, and the bell rung for all the students to go home. Me and Sonic walked together towards home, but pretty soon have to split up to go our separate ways. Sonic looked at me and smiled as I looked down, not saying a word. Sonic smirked and split his hand into my, which startled me a bit and made me look up at him. "Why so quiet Shadow?" he asked.  I looked at him and blushed a bit. "Um.. no reason.." I replied. Sonic chuckled and kissed my cheek gently.


    I blushed more and looked down shyly. Sonic chuckled more and looked forward. Silence took over once more. I took the chance to speak. "Hey Sonic?" I said. Sonic turned to look at me. "Yes Shaddie?" he replied. I stopped walking and frowned sadly. "I-I'm going to miss you when we part to go home..." I said. Sonic stared down at me and smiled. "Aww Shadow, I going to miss you too.." Sonic replied. I just closed my eyes and quickly and held onto Sonic's arm, holding it tightly. Sonic's eyes widened in shock at my sudden action and blushed a bit. Sonic turned way and rubbed his nose in embarrassment. I looked at him in a pleading way. "W-Would you walk me home? I stay with you a little longer..." I asked politely. Sonic turned to me and smiled, blush completely gone now.

"I would love to.."

    Sonic and I began to walked my way towards my house, but when we got there we both gasped in shock. There stood my house, burning to a crisp. Everywhere, it burned. Firefighters with their truck sprayed the house with water. Tears formed in my eyes as I shook my head in disbelief. I quickly began running towards the house, but was blocked by police and the yellow tape. "I'm sorry, but you can't come through!" One police officer said to me. I struggled as I looked at him. "But this is my house! My family is in there!" I yelled. The other officer  looked at be and pushed me back. I fell to the ground and looked up at him. "I'm sorry, but we still can't let you through until the fire is completely put out!" he said and walked away along with his partner. I stood up to try again, but Sonic ran to me and held my arm; preventing me from going any further. I turned and looked at him as a flood of tears ran down my face. I was so sad and broken. I couldn't think.. I couldn't breathe... I turned towards the house, giving up on my attempt to move forward. All I could do was stand there and watch as all the memories of my past slowly died away into nothing but black ash...

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