Chapter 10

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    Months past, and Sonic healed up faster than you can say peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers 3 times fast. We was currently in school right now, walking side by side. As we past by some people, they gave me shady looks and glares here and there. I looked down sadly, holding my books tighter to my chest. Sonic turned to me and grabbed my hand which made me look back him. He smiled, grinning that handsome grin. "Don't worry Shadow. I'm here now... You don't have to worry about a thing, ok?" he said. I smiled a bit and blushed a dark pink, nodding eagerly. We held hands all the way to class. Once we reached the Art room, Sonic opened the door and held it open for me to go through. He smiled and gestured me in. "After you!" he said. I blushed  and looked down shyly. I then walked in. Sonic followed after, wrapping an arm around my waist. I gasped as my whole face turned red in embarrassment. Sonic chuckled, kissing my cheek gently. "So cute~" he cooed. I looked around, sighing in relief. Thank god nobody was in the classroom right now!

    The bell rang loudly and people started entering into the classroom. Me and Sonic sat together in the back on the left of the room. As people sat down in their appropriate seats, I began to pull out my art supplies and my sketch book. Sonic also did the same and looked at me, smiling warmly. I turned to him and looked at him confused. "W-What are you smiling about?" I asked curiously. Sonic chuckled and grinned. "I just love looking at you! I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend now~" he replied. I blushed. I smiled mentally. He's so weird, but I love him so much. The bell rang once more as the last of the students walked in and sat down. The teacher walked in and smiled, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. I looked forward, ready to listen to the lesson.

"Alright class, today we will be drawing our partners! So please get out your sketchbook and pencils and choose your partner! You will turn these drawings in once class ends." Mr. Chezaro said with a confident smile planted on his face.

    People soon got up and started asking others to be their partners. Some girls came up to Sonic and smiled, holding their sketchbooks close to their chest, One girl that was a pink hedgehog with green eyes and was wearing a skimpy red skirt and a black blazer, known as the girl's school uniform. She smiled cutely and grabbed Sonic's hand. "Hey Sonikku, I was wondering if you like... to be my partner? please?" She asked while making puppy dog eyes at him. I stared at her for a minute, then looked down sadly. 'She's so much cuter than me... There's no way he can deny her now...' I thought. Sonic turned to me and frowned, seeing my sad face. He then turned to the pink girl and smiled. "Sorry Amy,but I already have a someone I want to partner with." he said. The pink hedgehog known as "Amy" eyes widened in shock. The other girled gasped and looked in Sonic. Sonic turned to me and grabbed my hand, which made me look up at him. "I choose Shadow.." he said and grinned at me. I blushed madly and looked back at Sonic. Amy then looked at me and glared at me angrily.

"How could you choose that disgusting body of flesh?! He's a nobody!" she said angrily.

    I looked at her and frowned sadly, looking down once more. Sonic then looked at her and frowned in anger at her. "Don't you dare talk about Shadow that way! He's way more than that to me! I care for him! So if you don't like it, then back off you stupid bitch!" he replied with a growl in his voice. Amy's eyes widened in shock at Sonic's words. The frowned again, turned to me and glared. Then "Hmphed" and walked away, the rest of the girls following her after. Sonic hen sighed and looked at me, smiling warmly. I looked at him, still shocked at what he said to that Amy girl.

"Are you alright?" Sonic asked.

    I blinked and nodded. "Um.. Uh huh.." I replied. Sonic planted his hand on top of my head and rubbed it gently.

"Don't worry about Amy. She's nothing but a lousy girl anyway.."

    I looked down again, blushing shyly. "A-Alright..." I said. Sonic pulled away and grabbed his sketchbook and his pencil, smiling happily. "Now let's get to work shall we?" he asked. I looked at him and smiled, nodding.


I grabbed my things and we both began sketching eahother.  I love Sonic so much!

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