Chapter 27

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    Sonic  held the bottle in his hands as I looked at him with determination in my eyes. "I'll test!" I said. Sonic eyes widened in shock, then frowned worriedly. "But what if something happens to you?" he asked. I frowned a bit. "You don't know till you try!" I replied. Sonic sighed and grabbed my hand, walking out of the gym and to an empty hallway. We stopped and he turned to me, holding the bottle out towards me. "Take only a sip..." he said. I took the bottle and looked at it. I opened it and raised it to my lips, drinking a small drop and closes it. I handed the bottle back to Sonic and looked at him. He looked at me with a little worry. "How do you feel?" he asked. I felt my body get instantly hot and i felt my cheeks burn with red passion. I lowered my eyes a bit and began to wobble a bit. Sonic quickly grabbed me around the waist and held me close. "Shadow! Are you okay?" he asked frantically. I looked up at him and smiled a bit. 

"I'm fine... I-It's just really hot..."

    Sonic blushed red and looked at me, then lowered his eyes and leaned forward, kissing me lovingly. I kissed back and moaned a bit. I felt sparks rise into my chest as he kissed me. Sonic tongue lick my lips and I opened my lips a bit. He put his tongue into my mouth  and we french kissed. My body felt hotter and hotter and I couldn't control my self. We pulled away and looked at each other. I panted and nuzzled into Sonic's neck. "S-Sonic...I-It's so hot..." I whispered into his ear. He held me close and picked me up bridal style. I held onto Sonic as he began running down the hall We ran out of the school and ran towards his our house. Once we reached the house, he ran upstairs to his bedroom and closed the door, going towards the bed and setting me down gently. I blushed more as I looked up at Sonic and watched him take off his shirt and pants. I continued to blush as he crawled on top of me and began taking off my clothes. Once we were fully undressed, except for our underwear, we kissed passionately.

    We pulled away and smiled gently towards one another. Sonic began nibbling my neck and planting kisses down my body. I shivered and moaned until he reached my panties. I looked down him and tried to cover my crotch.  Sonic looked up at me and smiled. "Don't worry Shadow...I'll be gentle..." Sonic said as he removed my hands and began pulling my undies down and off. He opened my legs and looked at my opening with lustful eyes. I shivered as he started to rub my clit gently with is fingers. I moaned as I gripped the bed sheets tightly in my grasp. He looked at me and smiled, leaning forward and kissing my cheek gently. "So cute.." he whispered. He continued to rub my clit as I moaned uncontrollably. I whispered as I felt the fingers leave me. I opened my eyes and watched Sonic move his head down and started licking gently at my entrance. I gasped and moaned out. He licked and sucked on my clit. God it felt so good! "Aaah! S-Sonic..." I moaned. Sonic flicked his tongue back and forth against my clit as I shivered in pleasure. I moaned uncontrollably and squealed a bit. Sonic's ears perked up at the sounds I made and pulled away, leaning towards me and kissing me lovingly. I kissed back as my eyes widen when i felt his fingers rub my entrance. I moaned into the kiss as I closed my eyes tightly.

    Sonic pulled away and looked at me as he entered me with one of his fingers. My eyes widened as I moaned loud. I felt tears brim at the edges of my eyes as he moved his finger in and out. I looked up at Sonic and saw him blush and smile warmly. "So cute.." he said as he nuzzled my cheek gently. He added another finger and i gasped again and moaned more. After adding one  more finger, he fingered me gently. I continued to moan. I felt so good...I didn't know what to do... Sonic then pulled his fingers out and lifted my legs and positioned his member towards my entrance. I looked at his size and blushed, my eyes widening. Sonic looked at me, frowning a bit. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Sonic asked. I smiled and nodded. "I want to become one with you Sonic...Because I love you, but please be gentle..." I replied. Sonic smiled warmly and nodded, thrusting forward and entering me slowly. I gasps as the tears in my eyes rolled down my cheeks and I moaned out in pain and pleasure. Sonic groaned as he thrust fully inside, popping my cherry. I felt him shiver and grip my thighs a bit. "Aaah Shadow....So tight..." he moaned. I was twitching a bit and panting small puffs of air. Sonic opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I'll wait till you get use to it ok?" he asked gently

 I nodded.

    After a few minutes I looked at Sonic and nodded, letting him know he can continue. He nodded and pulled out a bit, then thrust back in. I moaned as he continued to thrust inside of me. He leaned over me and continued to thrust with hard, but gently thrusts. I gripped onto Sonic's shoulders as I moaned, whining a bit like a puppy wanting to rubbed. Sonic and I looked at each other as we made love. "P-Please Sonic...F-Faster...Harder! Aaah! It feels s-so good..." i moaned as he nodded and began picking up speed with hard thrusts. Our skin slapped together in contact as he pounded me. I screamed as my blush grew dark red. Sonic buried his face into my neck as i held him close and moaned into his ear. "Aaah Sonic! I love you! I love you so much aah!" I said. "Aah..I love you just as much Shadow!" he replied as he nibbled and sucked my neck. I then felt Sonic thrust hard into my womb and I screamed loud, but not to hurt his ears. "Aah fuck! I-I'm gonna cum Shadow! Aaaah fucking shit!" he moaned as he thrust harder and faster than ever. "Aaah! C-Cum inside of me! Aah I want your sweet milk!" i replied as i squealed in pleasure, sticking my tongue out and crossing my eyes a bit. After one final thrust, Sonic released deep inside of me as he bit down on my neck. I screamed out as I released as well. After Sonic finished,he fell limp on top of me as we both panted. He pulled out as I shivered and felt Sonic's cum drip out of me. Sonic held himself up and looked at me, cupping my cheek and brushing away a strand of hair away from my sweaty face.

He smiled.

"I love you so much Shadow...I'm so I met you..."

I smiled back and giggled cutely.

"I love you just as much Sonikku...And thank you for saving me..."

    Sonic smiled more as he leaned down and kissed me passionately on the lips. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Finally....I have found happiness...

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