Chapter 2

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     There stood a blue hedgehog, who looked very angry, and completely shaking. Scourge smirked held on tighter. "What if I don't?" he asked. He punched me in the stomach harshly. I gasped as tears released from my eyes from the pain. The azure hedgehog growled and ran up to Scourge and punched him the face, sending him flying. He soon caught me and looked down at me with gently eyes. People began to crowd and started yelling "fight!" I opened my eyes and looked up at the person who saved me. Big round emerald green eyes started at me, along with a smile that said "are you alright?" he asked with a smile plated on his face. I blushed and nodded. The azure hedgehog smiled more as he stood up and turned to look at Scourge, who was on his feet, but slightly hunched over in pain. I was terrified of this blue hedgehog's look. I have never seen anybody as angry before.

He growled loudly.

"How dare you hurt a new student?! this is low, even for you Scourge! Just leave him alone!" He shouted a bit.

     I jumped a bit, but then looked at Scourge. He smirked. I knew that smirk anywhere. He's not finished...just yet. "Fine, but don't think you have seen the last of my Sonic!" he said as he walked away and out of the crowd. People groaned as they didn't get to see the two fight. They soon walked away going to their classes. The azure hedgehog, who presume is Sonic, turned to me and lend out a hand. I looked at it in confusion, but grabbed it anyway and stood up. Sonic then let go and winked." I have never seen you around here before. What's your name?" he asked. I looked up and blushed. This guy was tall comparing to how short I am. I began to sweat nervously. "U-Um.. M-My name is S-Shadow.. Shadow Dark.." I said nervously. He just smiled and pat my back gently. "No need to be nervous Shadow! I'm not going to bite!" he laughed. I looked down and blushed a bright red.

"Well, my name is Sonic. Sonic Maurice! But you can just call me Sonic if you want^^"

I nodded.

"Since we know each other now, we can walk to class together! What's your next class?" he asked.

     I looked at me schedule. "Um, I have biology next.." I answered back. Sonic smiled happily. "I have that class too! We an walk together!" he said with a slight blush on his face. I nodded once more.

"Now, lets get going!"

     He then grabbed my hand and began walking to our class. I looked at our hands that was joined together, then back at Sonic.

'Could this be.... That I found someone...Who cares for  me...? Could it?'

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