Chapter 6

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The next morning I had woken up still thinking about the night before. I got up and started going through my closet. I wore a light pink sweater, faded Hollister jeans and white flats. I quickly braided my long dark hair to a side braid and wore some pearl earrings. I just wanted today to go by quickly and go back to sleep.

As soon as I got to school, my friends Naya and Lexis came up to greet me. Naya is tall and is one of the top three students at our school. She is known to be the rich, preppy girl who always did what she was told. Lexis, on the other hand had medium length blonde hair. She has a feisty personality as in she doesn't take orders from anyone. She is also one of the top three students in our school.

" did the party go?" Naya said curiously. "It was alright. I had re-met this guy that I haven't seen in about three years." I exclaimed while walking with them to our first period. "Oh shit! Who did you meet?" Lexis said as we all stopped at the door. "This guy named Chris. We knew each other growing up and I absolutely hated him! He would always pick on me and call me 'Dora' because of my haircut. We both looked awkward when we were young but last night when I saw him again he looked really attractive and we started flirting a little bit." Lexis and Naya both stared at me in amazement of what I had just told them.

Naya cleared her throat and quietly spoke. "What exactly does this Chris look like?" "He has messy black hair, olive skin, chocolate brown eyes, and he's around 5'9." I said as we sat in our seats.

"ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT CHRIS STRATFORD!!!" Lexis yelled at us and I reached reached over and covered her face with my hand. Everyone was staring at us probably thinking we were a bunch of fools that couldn't stop talking.

"Gabrielle, Lexis, Naya; do you have anything to share with the class?" Exclaimed our English teacher, Ms. Barrier. "No ma'm" I nervously said. She turned around and as soon as people stopped staring at us we began to talk again.

I turned towards Lexis and Naya who were seated next to me on my right hand side and whispered. "Yes that's him! Wait how did you know him?" Lexis pointed to her phone on her lap and motioned me letting me know to text her instead of whispering or else we were going to get caught talking again. I decided to start a group message withy the both of them instead of having to text on separate convos.

LEXIS: I know him because he goes to the same gym as me! I always see him working out and he seems really popular, he plays football at Hills High school. ;D

GABRIELLE: I didn't know that! I thought he lived further away than that! Hills is only a couple miles down the road! :0

NAYA: Well did you plan to see him again?

GABRIELLE: Yeah, but I think he wasn't being serious. He probably says that to all the girls he flirts with. -.-

LEXIS: ...Or maybe just you. >;)

As soon as I was about to reply to Lexis's message with the funny looking wonky face. I look at my phone and see that I have a new message...from Chris!

CHRIS: Hey! I just wanted to say I had fun last night! Can you hang sometime tmrw? :)

I felt my face turn red at the sight of that text. I didn't think my old enemy would actually want to meet up again!

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