Chapter 24

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~Gabrielle's POV~

"Hey Sebastian, did you need any cold water or anything? It's blazing out here. I don't want you to pass out either." I said as I met up with the blonde haired male.

"No thanks, I have my water bottle here. I'm fine." He faked smiled as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh uh okay. Let anyone of the sports med. members know if you start to feel dizzy." I smiled as I turned to walk back to the building.

"Wait!" Sebastian nervously called out to me. I turned back to face him and stopped walking. "Yeah?"

"Can we talk for a second. Please?" He bit his lip as he moved his head in the direction of the bleachers.

I sighed and followed him to the bleachers as we both sat next to each other on the highest one.

He let out a big sigh and looked at me. "I'm really sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I asked, now wanting to know exactly what he was apoligizing for.

"For being a total ass about the situation at the carnival." He had pleading eyes.

"It's fine I guess." I shrugged, not really expecting him to apoligize for that.

"Chris and I just really don't like each other. Even before I knew you, I didn't like him. I guess, whenever I saw him with you I got so fustrated with him and the fact that he just uses girls and then treats them like trash afterwards. I couldn't handle it if he did the same to you." He put his head down and ran a hand through his hair again. He had a habbit of doing that often I guess.

"You are too sweet, you know that Sebastian?" I tilted his chin up to face me and hugged him.

"I't won't happen again Gabrielle. I promise." He hugged me tighter.

"Well I just don't want you to let your anger get the best of you. I know you two have issues and it doesn't help that i'm involved either." I giggled. "But just try to act civil around each other. You don't need to be all 'best friends' and have a bromance, but it would be great if you two could just not fight so much and make a scene by punching him like you did." I said as I broke away from our hug.

"Okay, i'll do my best." He smiled.

"Good! Now I have to get back to the building and see how all the other sports medicine members are doing." I ran my own hand and messed up his hair.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" Sebastian chuckled as he fixed his hair.

"Yeah, I have another meeting though. Just meet me in this same spot after school tomorrow." I replied as I made my way down the bleachers and headed towards the building.

"Got it!" He smiled as he went back to running laps.

I had a huge grin on my face as I entered the sports classroom.

"Why are you grinning so hard?" Lexis asked as I sat next to her.

"Is it wierd that I get a warm and cozy feeling when i'm with Sebastian?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

She just looked at me and smiled. "No, that's good! That must be because you like and feel comfortable with him." She giggled and continued reading her book.

"Well I do, but when i'm with Chris I get excited and he's very well I don't know how to explain it...Chris? I guess." I started to picture Chris in my mind. The thought of when Gretzel picked him up made me laugh out loud.

"Ahh! So you like both of them."Lexis teased.

"I think I do." I replied."I like the light hearted guy who makes everything fun and use to be my enemy from when we were younger. But then I also like the new, caring, sweet guy who makes me feel like I have known him my whole life."

"Well shit, you got a situation then!" Lexis said and both her and I busted out laughing.

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