Chapter 16

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As I was getting ready for my evening with Sebastian, my mind kept wondering back to Chris.

I had missed talking to him already. I missed being with him, I just missed him in general.

I decided since I really can't be mad at him I should just text him.

GABRIELLE: Hey, i'm sorry for not answering you.

I put my phone down on my bed and went into my closet and slipped on my new dress and some matching shoes.

I curled my hair into loose bouncy curls and pinned some of it with a cream colored bow in the back.

I applied winged eyeliner and a bit of gold eyeshadow in the inner corners of my eyes to make them pop.

I heard my phone beep and went to check to see who it was.

CHRIS: Don't talk to me anymore.

I gasped when I saw his message. Gosh, I knew I was being dumb for ignoring him for a a while but I didn't think he would get that upset.

GABRIELLE: Look, I'm sorry but r u really that upset about this?

He texted back immediately.

CHRIS: I'm done hanging out with you. Meeting you again was a mistake. Leave me alone and don't text me anymore.

I started tearing up when I read that last text. I just decided to send one last text.

GABRIELLE: Wow, okay. I didn't know you felt that way but if you want it to be like that, then alright. Goodbye Chris.

I sat on my bed and buried my face within my hands. I teared up a little bit because I actually was starting to like him.

I guess he's still the same old jerk of a guy he was even when we were younger.

I should have never trusted him.

I should have never believed he was different this time.

He was still the same boy I hated all those years ago.

I walked to the bathroom and gently wiped my tears away. I was careful not to smear my makeup.

My phone beeped again.

I walked back to my room thinking it was Chris again until I looked at it.

SEBASTIAN: Hey I got your text from last night with your address. Im on my way :) I'll be there in about five minutes.

I had almost forgot that Sebastian was picking me up. I was so caught up in the whole Chris situation.

GABRIELLE: Okay! See you in a few :)

I decided to call Lexis real quick and vent to her about what had happened with Chris before Sebastian picked me up.

"Hello! Miss Gabby! What's up?"

"Oh gosh miss Lexis! Chris apparently doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I didn't think he would be that upset that I ignored him for a day! I was just upset because I like him." I sighed as I explained everything.

"What the hell! Well it had seemed to me like ya'll had something going on. So you had a reason to be upset." She calmly replied.

"I don't know, Naya made me feel like I was overreacting to everything and it's my fault for thinking that way."

"You know she likes Chris right?" Lexis said in a 'duh' tone.

"What in the actual hell! She never mentioned that she liked him!" I basically yelled.

"Well she had said she did. But she only said she did whenever you guys started hanging out. I think she likes him because you do."

"Well Chris doesn't want anything to do with me anymore so she can do whatever she wants I guess." I sighed.

I heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

"Oh, Sebastian is here Lexis. I'll call you later! Okay?"

"He's so cute! Have fun on your date and tell me if he is a good kisser!" Lexis giggled.

"It's not really a date. We are just friends, that's all! I'm not going to kiss him." I laughed out loud.

"Mhmm. Suree! Bye." She said still giggling and hung up.

Gosh she is so crazy, yet she gives the best advice. She's like my own personal therapist and also my best friend. Perfect combo!

I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.

I see a very nicely dressed Sebastian wearing his hair slicked back. It looked hot on him.

He flashed a warm smile at me showing off his pearly whites.

"Hello beautiful!"

"Hello sweet boy!" I giggled as we walked to his car.

I was hoping that I could forget about what Chris had said earlier by spending time with Sebastian. Hopefully. ~

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