Chapter 18

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It was around six thirty at night, I was pretty excited about going to the carnival with Sebastian. He was a super sweet guy and it didn't hurt that he was extremely good looking too.

Since it was pretty chilly outside I decided to dress in dark jeans, chesnut colored UGG boots, and a cream colored chunky sweater. I topped it off with a gold necklace and matching hoop earrings. I straightened my hair and went down to the living room.

I snacked on some apple slices until I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over with my chesnut colored satchel and opened the door.

"Hey!" I smiled at Sebastian while we walked to his truck.

"Looking beautiful as usual." He smiled genuinely and opened the truck door for me.

"Thank you. You're such a gentleman." I giggled as he hopped in the other side and started the engine.

"Only for you." He smirked as we took off.

Once we reached the carnival, we went and bought our tickets and I looked around the huge place.

"Ready to have some fun?" Sebastian asked. His eyes were already set on some scary looking tower ride.

"Oh hell yeah I am!" I smiled and grabbed his hand and went into the direction of the ride.

After a couple of roller coaster type rides, Sebastian and I were worn out! My hair was already getting a little bit messed up from all the crazy-ness.

"OHMYGOSH! Look at that huge stuffed animal panda!" I squealed like a five year old as I saw the prize.

"You like pandas?" Sebastian chuckled.

"Yes! My nickname use to be 'panda' in middle school!" I said as I mindlessly followed Sebastian towards the game booth with the panda.

"Hey! Do ya'll want to try to shoot all the targets? Shoot five targets perfectly and you can win any prize you want!" The middle aged man with a long beard excitedly yelled.

"Bring it on." Sebastian sounded determined as he handed the guy some tickets and grabbed the game gun.

I was surprised when he shot all the targets. "Have you played this game before?" I giggled while he put the gun down.

"I grew up on a big ranch. My grandfather taught me all about shooting and that sort of stuff." He chuckled.

"Country boy huh? I like it." I joked as he blushed.

"Great job! That was perfect! Pick anything you want!" The man sounded all proud as he pointed to all the variety of prizes.

"I'll take the big panda." Sebastian smiled at me.

The man eagerly handed him the panda and soon after, Sebastian handed the panda to me.

A huge grin crept up on my face as I held the oversized stuffed animal. It was almost as big as me!

"Awh! You didn't have too." I said as I looked up at Sebastian as we walked to the food section of the carnival.

"It's cool. I like seeing you happy." He smiled.

As we stood in line for the cotton candy, I kissed his cheek again. "Thank you."

As we were sitting down on a bench and eating our cotton candy, I hear a familiar voice call my name.

"GABBY!!! SEBASTIAN!!!" Lexis practically jogged over to us. Naya and another guy following closely behind.

"Hey!" I hugged Lexis. "Who is the guy?" I whispered.

"My date! Isn't he a cutie?" She said loudly and giggled

"Yeah and i'm the third wheel." Naya bluntly said.

Her face lit up when she saw Sebastian.

"Oh hi Sebastian!" She blushed. Oh gosh.

"Hey Naya." He replied calmly as he stood next to me.

We all walked and rode some more rides. I walked back to the ticket booth to buy some more tickets.

"Gabby?" I turned around and saw a wide eyed Chris standing a couple feet away from me.

Shit. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't expecting to see him here!

"Yeah?" I tried to sound calm as I grabbed the tickets.

"We need to talk." He gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the back of the booth.

"I think we have talked plenty enough." I shrugged and looked away from him.

"What are you talking about? I haven't talked to you since that party." He replied sounding confused.

"Did you forget that you texted me saying you didn't want to talk to me anymore!"

"I never texted you that!" He said, sounding aggravated.

I showed him the messages and his eyebrows furrowed as he read them.

"That wasn't me. I forgot my phone at David's house when I went to hangout and his girlfriend was there. She texted you that!"

"Why the hell would she text me that!" I was already getting annoyed with the situation.

"She knows I like you and a while back she had tried to get with me and I turned her down. So she got with David instead. She's jealous." He smirked.

"That's so mean! I've never even talked to her before! Well what about the girl you were with at the party?" I blurted out.

"Her girlfriend broke up with her and she is one of my good friends." He looked at me with a 'Duh' look in his face.

" bad. I guess I thought wrong." I looked away.

"You know I only like you." He said as he inched closer to me. He tilted up my chin and was about to kiss me until...

"Hey! There you a-" Lexis stopped as she saw Chris.

I backed off from Chris and went towards Lexis.

"I'll explain later." I glanced at her as Sebastian, Naya, and Lexis's date came to where we were.

"I have been looking all over for you!" Sebastian said as he hugged me. He quickly pulled away once he saw Chris. His light eyes turned dark.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Sebastian yelled.

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