Chapter 8

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Since Chris wouldn't tell me where we were going, I had decided to wear a white lace dress with matching heels. I curled my hair at the ends and wore light makeup.

I heard the doorbell ring and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

As soon as I opened it, I see Chris wearing a black button up, nice dark jeans, and black shoes. He had his hair perfectly messy and wore a huge smirk on his face.

"Checking me out again are we?" He started laughing noticing me checking him out.

Damnit, i'm not very discreet when it comes to checking him out. I must say though, he looked pretty damn hot. I just decided to play it off.

"I wasn't checking you out!" I replied trying not to sound like I was lying.

"Mhmm, sure you weren't Gabby. Anyways are you ready to go?"

"Yes. Where are we going exactly?" I said as I locked my door behind me.

"Somewhereee!" He said in a high pitch voice jokingly.

We got into his car and I asked about how his football practice went. We made small talk and jokes the rest of the way.

Once we had reach the place, I had noticed we were at a resteraunt that seemed quite fancy.

"We are eating here?" I questioned Chris.

"Yeah, have you ever been here?"

"No this place seems really expensive!" I said while I examined the place.

There was white marble everywhere and red roses along the wall. I noticed people were dressed in tuxedos and dresses.

"It's not that bad Gabby! My uncle owns the place." He laughed noticing my amazement of the resteraunt.

We went up to the man in the front and immediately saw Chris and gave him a hug.

"Hello my handsome nephew! How have you been? Who's the pretty lady you have here?" He said excitedly while still giving Chris a big bear hug.

"This is Gabrielle, she and I have known each other for a long time." He calmly explained.

Chris's uncle smiled and led us to our table. We sat in the middle of the dinning room.

"I'm surprised you didn't tell your uncle that we were basically enemys." I bluntly blurted out.

"I mean we did some pretty stupid stuff to each other but that was years ago." He replied

"Yeah, but those years were hell for me Chris." I looked at him directly in the eyes.

" I'm sorry! We can't just leave the past in the past Gabby?" He said looking back.

"I've tried but it's just hard trying to forget all those years and then all of a sudden forgive and forget."

He looked at me like I had just shot him in the heart.

Hey guys! I'm sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes! Also! I'm going to try to update more fruequently so be checking for updates over the next couple of days!

- Christina

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