Chapter 38

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~Gabrielle's POV~

After I left Lexis's house, I drove straight to Chris's place.

I noticed his mom's car was in the driveway as I parked on the side.

I can't even remember the last time I saw her, it's been years.

I slowly walked up to the front door and knocked. I looked around at all the other large houses and waved to a lady who was jogging by.

Suddenly, the door swung open. "Gabrielle honey! It's so nice to see you!" Chris's mom, Tammy excitedly pulled me in for a hug. At 38, she still had the same youthful look that everyone loved. Tammy had dark medium length blonde hair, perfectly straight white teeth, and tan skin.

She was wearing a dark brown sweater dress, a gold infinity scarf, and matching boots. As she hugged me I could smell the familiar scent of vanilla that she always wore.

"Do you wan't anything to eat or drink hun?" She asked as she open the refridgerator. I sat on the bar stool. "Oh no i'm fine,thank you." I smiled.

"Mom you didn't even say she was here!" Chris shrugged as he walked into the kitchen.

"Calm down cranky! She just got here, I was asking her if she wanted anything to drink." Tammy poured herself a healthy fruit drink.

"I forgot how healthy you all eat." I said as Tammy began making a salad.

"Yeah, it's torture." Chris rolled his eyes.

"Chris you should be happy we only buy food that is good for you. It will come in handy whenever you get old like me." She smiled.

"You are not old Mrs. Tammy." I giggled. She looked like she was still in her late twenties.

"Well Gabby and I are gonna go hit up some stores mom. I'll catch ya later." Chris grabbed my hand and lead me outside with him.

"Uh okay bye Mrs. Tammy! Nice seeing you again." I called out before I closed the door.

"Hey, what was all that about?" I asked Chris as we hopped in his car.

"What are you talking about?" He reversed back out of the driveway.

"You were kinda cold to your mom." I replied.

"She just gets on my nerves that's all." He shrugged.

"She didn't do anything though." I started getting irritated with his answers.

"That's what you think. Whenever we have company over, she acts all sweet and innocent. Whenever it's just us though, she doesn't even say a word to me. She acts like we are some perfect family and tells everyone lies when in reality, were not."

"...Oh." Was all I could mnage to say. I wasn't expecting that answer.

"Yeah, i'm actually surprised she was home today. Usually she would be working or having lunch with her friends." He replied.

"Where is your dad?" I asked.

"At work. It's rare if I talk to him too."

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay. You didn't know."

"Well I remember you telling me about your parents and stuff but I didn't know how you spoke to them." I looked at him.

" I mean, it's not like I hate them. I love my parents. It's just that it annoys me becuase they only talk to me when they need to. Whenever I need them though, all they do is ignore me."

We arrived at the mall and Chris swiftly parked in a space in the front.

"You know...if you ever need someone to talk to..I'll always be here for you right?" I said as we walking into the mall.

"Yeah." He held my hand and smiled. "Thank you."

I smiled and we continued holding hands. "So where do you wan't to go first?" I asked.

"I don't care, you pick first." He replied.

I had a evil smirk and headed straight to the small Starbucks inside the mall.

"I should have known." He laughed as we stood in line.

"Can I get a grande pumpkin spice latte." I asked the lady at the counter.

"What do you want?" I asked Chris.

"Uh...I'll get a mango protein smoothie." He said to the lady.

"Ew! What the hell! Those are nasty." I said as Chris and I waited at a table for our drinks to be called out.

"Pumpkin is nasty. At least my drink is good for you." He smirked.

"Grande pumpkin spice latte and a mango protein smoothie." A guy called out.

Chris and I grabbed our drinks.

"Hey Gabby." I turned around to see Naya.

"Oh hey Naya." I slowly said.

"Sebastian told me what you did."

"What exactly did he tell you?" I smirked.

Chris looked at both of us confused.

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