Chapter 34

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~Lexis's POV~

"Oh my gosh." Gabby squeaked.

"Hey Gabby! Long time no see!" Ace gave her a quick hug.

"I know! Oh my gosh, I was transferred out of that class we all had together. I don't see you anymore." She frowned.

"It's not like we said much in that class anyways. That teacher is always making us be quiet." He chuckled.

"I didn't know y'all knew each other?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, my brother plays baseball with her cousin. Our families are good friends." Ace gave me a sweet smile.

"Oh! Okay! That makes sense." I let out a small laugh.

"You look beautiful by the way Lexis." He grinned.

"Aw, thanks." I blushed. "You look great as well."

Gabby was smirking as she watched the two of us.

"Well, I'm gonna go get a drink, I'll let you two be. It was nice seeing you Ace." She smiled and walked away.

"Do you wan't a snack or anything?" He politely asked.

"Ah no thanks. I'm good." I held up my drink."Who's party is this anyways?" I glanced around.

"Mine." He laughed.

"Oh shoot! Sorry! I just came cause I heard about it."

"No, it's cool. I don't personally invite anyone. I just let people spread the word and they show up." He said.

"I see." I took a sip of my drink.

"But to be honest, I was kind of hoping you would come." He smiled.

I felt my face heating up again.

"You're really cute when you blush." He added.

"So i'm not cute all the time?" I asked, pretending to be offended.

"Hmm...I have to think about that one." He placed a hand under his chin and pushed his glasses up.

I playfully hit his arm.

"I'm just kidding." He chuckled. "Of course you're cute all the time!" He pulled me in for a bear hug.

~Gabrielle's POV~

I nade my way to the kitchen and poured myself a drink. I glanced over and saw Lexis giggling with Ace. They were so adorable.

I walked outside to the swings in the back and sat out there with my drink.

"You're looking quite lonesome." A familiar voice said.

I stopped swinging to look at the person. It was the boy I had known most of my life. My ex-enemy. Chris Stratford.

"Haven't seen you in a while." I smirked as I jumped off the swing and walked towards him. He walked towards me as well.

"Yeah, well as you know...your boyfriend isn't my biggest fan." He chuckled.

"Ugh, no kidding." I replied.

We both hugged one another and looked back at the swings.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Gabs?" Chris smirked.

"Race ya' you fool!" I laughed as we both began charging for the swings. I pushed him to the side and went for the swing I was just sitting on.

"I won! Hell yeah! Beat that Stratford!" I cheered in victory.

"Damn cheater!" He laughed as he sat on the swing next to me.

"You're such a hater Chris. You are just mad cause I beat ya'." I started to swing.

"Remember when we use to do that when we were kids?" He smiled and started to swing really high.

"Yeah, you would always beat me though no matter how hard I tried." I said.

"Yupp, good times." He did a Cheshire Cat grin.

"You are such a dork you know that? People portray you as some cool,tough jock. But in reality, you are still the same little dork you were when we were little." I smiled.

He laughed and looked up at the sky. "I guess you're right Gabs."

"Of course i'm right I am a freaking boss Chris!" I joked.

"Ah crap!" I yelped as I tried to jump off and instead, fell on my butt.

Chris busted out laughing.

"And you are still the same weird, clumsy Gabby I know and love." He said.

"Damn, that hurt." I laughed as I got back on the swing.

"So how's Sebastian been treating you?" Chris asked.

"Okay, he just has some anger problems here and there." I replied.

"He hasn't hit you has he?"

"No. He's just fustrating sometimes." I sighed.

"Why do you stay with him then?"

I looked at Chris who was slowly swinging and then I realized.

Why am I still with Sebastian?

"I, I don't know." I honestly replied to Chris.

"It doesn't seem like you are happy being with him. Like I don't wanna bring the guy down even though I don't like him...but your happiness matters to me and if you're not happy because of him. Then you should do something about it."

"I like him though, I really do. It's just ugh." I buried my face in my palms.

We both stayed quiet for a few moments.

"Do you love him?" Chris asked, breaking the silence.

Tears started forming in my eyes. I don't know if I was being emotional becauseof my drink or because I had come to realize something extremely important.

I looked back up at Chris.

I was trying to make myself have feelings towards him but in the end, I couldn't lie to myself any longer.

" No, I don't love Sebastian."

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